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How did the Maui fire start?

How did the Maui fire start

How did the Maui fire start?

I am a forensic architect and expert witness for CA and NV architecture boards…I studied fire science and am CFEI…on UL Voting Member for Fire Stops and fire-rated construction joints. 100% FACT in my mind, Directed Energy Weapons were utilized in Maui Fires. Videos that I viewed are now deleted; however, I took screenshots of critical issues confirming DEW’s.

Electrical wires DID NOT CAUSE the destruction I viewed. Wheels do not melt in these fires, with the blue car next to it with smoke damage. Boats fried well offshore. Homes burnt to the foundation with neighbor ten feet away untouched….trees and bushes untouched near homes downwind of the fire. DEW power is like a bomb.

Satellite images and flight records were pulled from the public. I could go on for days…No one will admit these facts. Yet, no one will listen to me…in fact…Fire reports will be hidden from public view. Any CFEI report should be solid, yet based on what I hear…they can be altered. Top brass at HECO mysteriously retiring.

My guess is the US government did this, and Utility and Insurance Companies are willing PLAYERS. MAUI should be a crime scene, and US military DEWs were absolutely involved. Intentional murder for land grab.

How did the fire in Maui start? And, spread so fast?

The last major fire on Maui, HI, was in August 2023. The fire, which started on August 9, 2023, was the largest wildfire in Hawaii’s history and was responsible for the deaths of at least 93 people, making it the deadliest wildfire in modern US history. And the fire was not fully contained as of August 11, 2023, and authorities warned that the final death toll could take time to determine. And the fire caused widespread devastation in Maui, with many homes and businesses destroyed.

There were multiple fires on Maui. Drought conditions, high winds, low humidity. That’s all you need anywhere for an ignition source as tiny as a tossed cigarette butt. There are videos of downed power lines, and the lawsuits have already been filed. Hawaiian Electric Co. says some of the fires started after they shut off the grid… There is also a historic shortage of fresh drinking water.

And a fire was driven by 80-mile-an-hour winds across a tinder-dry landscape into tightly packed houses with no form of fire awareness & safe fire perimeters like we have in the fire-prone west. The “Camp” fire that destroyed Paradise, CA, in 2018 (killing 90) covered one football field of land per second with 90-mile gusts. The Maui fire swept into Lahaina at about 70 miles per hour- consuming one mile of property per minute.

Wildland firefighters do not know how to fight this kind of fire and usually retreat until the winds die back.

How did the Maui fire start?

No. It was accidental, apparently. There would be no point in an intentional fire, and nobody would want to kill all those people just to rebuild. Stupid conspiracy theorists on social media keep inventing ridiculous and sickeningly harmful lies about things like this. Lahaina was a busy tourist town, the hub of Maui, bringing in millions of dollars to the economy. 

It was fine as it was. I have been there many times, and I loved visiting Lahaina, with the shops and restaurants, and especially the huge banyan tree, which was burnt and may or may not recover. That fire was a tragic loss for the people and the economy. I was planning to go back soon, but never again.

Friends, I do not believe an entire town was RAVAGED TO THE GROUND by a “ utility pole.” That’s about as harmful of a lie as any of the other ones. I don’t have the answer.. but I’m looking for a legitimate reason as to how this fire started.

What is causing the fire start in Maui?

At this point (August 10), we don’t know the exact cause of the fires in West Maui and upcountry. Hawaii has been under a red flag warning since Monday. High winds generated by Hurricane Dora passing to the south, combined with high pressure to the north of the islands, caused the low humidity, high temperatures, and high winds that can exacerbate fire spread. An improperly extinguished barbecue fire or cigarette could have done it, but that’s something that fire investigators will be looking at in the days and weeks to come.

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What was the last major fire on Maui, Hawaii?

The last major fire on Maui, HI, was the 2023 Hawaii wildfires. The fires started on August 8, 2023, and burned for several days, destroying over 2,100 acres of land and killing at least 96 people. The fires were the deadliest in Hawaii’s history and caused billions of dollars in damage.

Friends, the fires started in three different locations on Maui: Lahaina, Pulehu, and Upcountry Maui. The Lahaina fire was the largest and most destructive, burning through the historic town of Lahaina and destroying over 1,000 buildings. The Pulehu fire burned through a rural area in the eastern part of Maui, and the Upcountry Maui fire burned through a mountainous area in the center of the island.

The causes of the fires have not been definitively determined, but it is believed that downed power lines started them. The fires were exacerbated by dry and windy conditions, which created ideal conditions for fire growth.

The 2023 Hawaii wildfires were a devastating event for the island of Maui. The fires destroyed homes, businesses, and cultural landmarks, and they displaced thousands of people. The recovery from the fires will take many years, but the people of Maui are resilient, and they will rebuild their community.

What do you think of the Maui fires?

OK, I’ll answer. Over the past decade or so, I’ve been “introduced” to large-scale wildfires in Australia. The things I have learned from these are:

  1. If you want the house to survive, you need to prepare the building by clearing gutters, keeping trees and bushes away from the house, getting rid of stuff around the house that will burn easily, and doing all this before bushfires start.
  2. If you want to survive, keep a packed bag or several with all the stuff you can’t live without, like clothes, important papers (insurance policies, house deeds, etc), food, and clothing. Either keep these in the car or somewhere you can grab and go.
  3. If you want to survive, work out where your local authority’s designated safe area is; your council should have that organized and signposted. Then, work out how to get there by the safest route; in fact, have two alternative routes in case the first one is blocked.
  4. Listen to the local news or monitor the internet and know when the alert level is increased. Then make the decision: either stay to protect your house or pick up your bags and go.

Looking at the Maui fires and listening to some of the reports (not all, so there may be lots I haven’t heard), I reckon there were two significant failings:

The local authority didn’t take the threat of fire seriously, and the local people needed to plan better. Now I am bound to get some flak for that, fair cop. But if the local authority didn’t control the fuel load in the area, then any fire would get out of control very quickly. If there are a limited number of roads into and out of the area, they need to be protected. If the alarm system is designed for tsunamis, then you need a separate alarm for bushfires. These are failings on the part of the local authority.

If the locals didn’t prepare their property to survive a fire—it doesn’t need to be a bushfire, just a careless match next door—then that comes back to them. Ultimately, you are accountable for your safety; if you have burning embers flying overhead, it’s a little late to think about these things.

How serious are the fires in Maui, Hawaii, right now?

Deadly serious—the death count is up to 53 burned to death or killed by smoke inhalation. My brother spoke to a friend who was a pastor of the Baptist church there; aside from the church, he reported every member of the church lost their home. It is a major disaster for Hawaii and our nation. We don’t get that many deaths from many major hurricanes.

The fires have been knocked down for the most part. Heavy equipment was used last night to create a barrier to protect Kihei. The National Guard is deployed and keeps everyone from entering the West Maui area (Lahaina). The devastation is overwhelming. Hawaiian Airlines has dropped fares to $19, one way to get people off the island. The locals in Maui who depend on tourism are going to need help. 

Given the extent of destruction by the Maui fires, will Laihana have to be abandoned?

My wife and I first went to Maui (for our honeymoon) in 1977. Since then, we have been there, including to Lahaina, dozens of times. We love being there. There is no way that Lahaina will be abandoned; the land is too valuable. But the sad part is that once it is rebuilt—and no one knows how many years that will take—Lahaina will be less charming than it was before it burned.

Long ago, Lahaina was a whaling port. Over time, it grew to be a good-sized town and became a popular tourist destination, with block after block of shops, galleries, and restaurants packed together. And that, I suspect (I’m not an expert), is a major reason why Lahaina burned to the ground.

All the buildings were made of wood, which had been dried by decades (or more) of exposure to the West Maui climate. Being cheek by jowl, if one caught fire, all of the buildings on that block were candidates for destruction—and that’s not even taking into account what happened when burning embers flew across the street or a quarter-mile away.

Once Lahaina is rebuilt, Front Street will look less authentic. No real-wood building exteriors, and definitely no wood roofs. I can only hope that strip malls and shopping centers will not arise from the ashes.

Why, after a month since the fire, are the authorities still not letting people affected in Maui return to check out their destroyed homes?

Short answer: Right now (as of 9/10/2023), there’s a lot of toxic waste mixed among the ash and debris. After the completion of search and rescue operations, FEMA brought the EPA in to inspect the properties for hazardous materials like paints, solvents, oil, batteries, and pesticides—stuff that you can’t just throw into a landfill. And the ash itself requires special handling as well. Maui County plans to let residents return after the hazardous material cleanup process is complete for each designated zone.

Did the State of Hawaii practice forest and brush management on Maui, where they just had the devastating fire? Could that have lessened the damage done?

The problem with Maui, and especially the area just upslope and upwind of Lahaina, is the fallow sugar cane fields. Some years ago, the sugar cane industry shut down around West Maui. It has left massive tracts of land to turn into tall grass and brush. Combine that with an ongoing drought peaking near the end of summer, and boom.

The state of Hawaii does not manage these fields in any way. They are on private property, and it remains to be seen where the blame will land. But make no mistake, this was a tragedy waiting to happen. I wrote about this several years ago. Bad timing and extreme winds combined in all the wrong ways. All this will become clear in hindsight when the blame game begins.

Did the space laser start the Hawaii fire in Maui?

Well … whether from space or a helicopter or a mountain or a mysterious source, it is CLEAR Hawaii is TARGETED with FIRES … When you see cars burnt like that in France, they are not burnt by Climate Change but by intention and with fuel … BY A GANG … or Secret Services to push votes of freedom reduction laws or other types of laws ??

When you see concrete buildings or houses destroyed with evaporated roofs and walls, IT JUST DOES NOT ADD UP …. The last time we saw such was on September 11, 2001, when a concrete building evaporated WITH COLD ASH on firefighters not burning their skin // to big fires, giving the illusion fires melted concrete and steel …

Now it is the volcano that erupts … Some technologies and criminality are at play here, knowing that some individuals on this planet can reportedly launch fire with their bare hands …

So, in the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, ALL AVENUES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED !! Particularly since the Democrats conditioned help for Hawaii to more Billions for Ukraine in a Bill proposal in the US Congress as if burning Hawaii was a requirement for additional excess support of Ukraine !!

What was the real cause of the Maui fires? And what kind of wildfire turns everything white and nothing black? What kind of wildfire burns buildings but not trees? And how did the wildfire move in?

The Maui fires were caused by a combination of factors, including:

  • Drought: Maui has been in a drought for several years, which has made the vegetation more susceptible to fire.
  • High winds: The winds were gusting up to 50 miles per hour, which helped to spread the fire quickly.
  • Hot temperatures: The temperatures were in the 90s Fahrenheit, which created dry and hot conditions that were perfect for fire.
  • Lightning: A lightning strike is believed to have started one of the fires.

The type of wildfire that turns everything white and nothing black is called a fuel-driven fire. This type of fire burns so hot that it vaporizes the moisture in the vegetation, leaving behind white ash. Fuel-driven fires are often very fast-moving and difficult to control.

The type of wildfire that burns buildings but not trees is called a surface fire. This type of fire burns along the ground, and it does not have enough heat to reach the tops of trees. Surface fires are often more common in forests, where the trees are taller and the vegetation is denser.

The Maui fires moved in a northeasterly direction, driven by the high winds. The fires started in the West Maui Mountains and spread to the east, eventually reaching the town of Lahaina. The fires burned for several days, and they destroyed over 2,000 homes and businesses.

The Maui fires were a devastating event, but they also highlighted the importance of fire prevention and preparedness. Maui residents are now working to make their homes and businesses more fire-resistant, and they are also working to reduce the risk of wildfires by clearing brush and debris from their property.

What are some alternative explanations for why certain blue objects in Maui didn’t burn during wildfires?

Several alternative explanations could account for why certain blue objects in Maui didn’t burn during wildfires:

1. Fire-Resistant Materials: The blue objects might have been made from fire-resistant materials that are less prone to ignition and combustion.

2. Surface Properties: The surface properties of the blue objects could have played a role. Some materials have coatings that make them less susceptible to heat and flames.

3. Location and Fuel Availability: The placement of the blue objects could have influenced their exposure to flames and heat. If they were located in areas with less fuel or surrounded by fire-resistant materials, they might not have ignited.

4. Firebreaks or Defensible Space: If the blue objects were surrounded by firebreaks or clearings created intentionally to stop the spread of the fire, this could have prevented the fire from reaching them.

How did the Maui fire start?

5. Local Fire Behavior: The behavior of the fire can be influenced by factors like wind direction, slope, and topography. If the blue objects were in an area where the fire intensity was lower due to these factors, they might have remained unburned.

6. Firefighting Efforts: It’s possible that firefighting efforts focused on protecting specific structures or objects, including the blue ones, which prevented them from being engulfed in flames.

7. Moisture Content: Blue objects might have had a higher moisture content, making them less likely to catch fire compared to drier materials.

How did the Maui fire start?

8. Size and Composition: The size and composition of the blue objects could have affected their susceptibility to ignition. Larger objects might have been less likely to heat up quickly, while certain compositions might have hindered combustion.

9. Coincidental Factors: In some cases, it may be coincidental that the blue objects didn’t burn. Fire behavior can be unpredictable, and random factors can influence whether an object ignites or not.

10. Observational Bias: There’s a possibility of observational bias, where it might seem like the blue objects didn’t burn due to limited information or perspectives on the fire’s behavior.

It’s important to consider a combination of these factors when trying to understand why specific objects remain unburned during wildfires. Fire behavior is complex and influenced by a variety of interacting elements.

How many fires have been reported in Maui since the recent blaze?

The deaths of 55 people have been confirmed from fires that tore through Maui, and mass evacuations continue for visitors and residents. Six fires are burning on Maui and the Big Island.

The Maui wildfires of 2023, also called Hawaii wildfires of 2023Hawaii wildfires, or Maui wildfires, were a series of wildfires that burned parts of the island of Maui in the U.S. state of Hawaii in August 2023. The fires, which began on August 8, struck hardest the historic resort town of Lahaina, on Maui’s western peninsula, reducing most of the town to ash and ruins. Approximately 115 people were killed in Lahaina by the smoke and flames or by drowning, making the wildfire one of the world’s deadliest on record. 

Almost 3,000 structures were reported to have been either damaged or destroyed by the fire. In addition to the fires on Maui, a series of less devastating wildfires burned parts of the island of Hawaii starting on August 9.

The pace of the fires

The fire near Lahaina, a municipality of 12,702 people, began as a small brush fire just beyond the town’s eastern outskirts in the early morning hours of August 8. Although local officials considered it to have been contained by mid-morning, the fire flared up during mid-afternoon, forcing officials to close Lahaina’s bypass road.

Driven by the high winds, the fire then moved downslope into the town, and it spread quickly between the parched grassy landscape and the town’s predominantly wooden buildings, generating an immense wall of black smoke. Within 15 minutes, the fire had spread to the center of the town, burning the area between the town’s two primary access roads, which prompted additional road closures that hindered evacuation.

The process of alerting residents to the danger was severely hampered by the toppling of several telephone and electric power poles in the area by high winds earlier that day, which had cut power needed for wireless services and telephone lines used for 911 emergency communication.

How did the Maui fire start?

As the fire grew, it became so intense that it melted pipes delivering water to Lahaina’s residences, which reduced the town’s overall water pressure and thus inhibited the fire department’s ability to contain the wildfire. By 5:30 PM, large areas of Lahaina, which included tracts of residences and the town’s central business district, were on fire as exploding gasoline tanks in vehicles and filling stations contributed to the conflagration.

Since emergency services had no way to alert people through their mobile devices, the fire caught many residents by surprise, forcing some to flee in haste while trapping others in their homes. Many of those who fled became boxed in by fire, smoke, and road closures; some sheltered in place, whereas others sought refuge in the Pacific Ocean, clinging to docks, pilings, seawalls, and other infrastructure. By 7:00 PM, the fire had reached the harbor, and boats caught fire from the mix of wind-whipped flames and flying embers, causing their fuel tanks to explode.

During the morning of August 9, the winds abated enough to allow firefighting crews, helicopters, and other resources to begin to make their way into Lahaina, where they found a grayed landscape of ruined buildings and burned-out vehicles. Officials reported that the Lahaina fire had been 80 percent contained by August 10 and that it had burned nearly 890 hectares (about 2,200 acres) by August 14.

How did the Maui fire start?

Maui’s other wildfires, which included the Pulehu/Kihei fire in Maui’s central valley and the Upcountry/Kula fire along the slopes of the island’s eastern peninsula, were less severe, resulting in far fewer damaged homes and other structures and no reports of serious injuries or deaths. Similarly, on the island of Hawaii, fires scorched some 600 hectares (about 1,500 acres) of ranchland in the North and South Kohala sections of the island, but no injuries were reported.

Aerial images showing the effects of a wildfire that swept down on Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, beginning on August 8, 2023, burning roughly 890 hectares (about 2,200 acres) of grassland and urban areas. Move the interactive slider to view the areas before and after the fire. Although the fire continued to burn in Lahaina throughout the night, U.S. Coast Guard boats arriving offshore were able to evacuate several people trapped along the coast.

Even as the fires began to spread on Maui, government officials started to issue disaster declarations to fund firefighting efforts, rescues, and recovery. Hawaii’s lieutenant governor, Sylvia Luke, issued an emergency declaration during mid-afternoon of August 8, which was followed later that evening by the activation of Hawaii’s National Guard.

How did the Maui fire start?

The following day, as reports of the unfolding disaster in Lahaina reached the outside world, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) authorized payments to fire victims and U.S. Pres. Joe Biden promised that “all available Federal assets on the Islands” would assist in relief efforts. 

Such efforts had increased by August 16, aided by state and federal agencies (including the U.S. Army, which provided logistical support and assisted in road clearing) and private charter flights that delivered donations of food and other supplies.

In the aftermath of the wildfires, thousands of displaced Maui residents were taken to shelters and evacuation centers on the island, which included hotels abandoned by tourists who had been evacuated to other islands or the U.S.

Conclusion: How did the Maui fire start?

I have heard that the high winds from Hurricane Dora brought down power lines and then quickly spread the fire in the dry plant life. It’s summer here, not much rain, everything is dry.

They could learn and build back better because Hawaiian Electric, which operates Maui Electric and services 95% of the state overall, did not implement precautionary safety measures included in an emergency plan to reduce wildlife risks ahead of the storm. The provider did not shut off electricity to areas where strong winds were expected and could spark flames. The department records don’t show that Maui’s warning sirens were triggered as the fast-moving fires began to spread.

Instead, the country used emergency alerts sent to mobile phones, television, and radio stations. Even residents said the hydrants ran out of water, hindering firefighters’ ability to contain the blazes. The truth is those warning signs tell people to turn on the television, look at their phones, or turn on the radio. But sometimes things run out of control anyway🤷‍♀️

How did the Maui fire start?