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Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

The United Kingdom has a period of national mourning when the monarch dies, during which public events may be cancelled, and flags may be flown at half-mast. However, it is not the case that all schools, colleges, and workplaces are closed for 12 days.

The length of the mourning period and the specific actions taken can vary depending on the circumstances. Other countries may also have similar traditions or customs in place for the death of a head of state.

The statement that “the UK is the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies” is inaccurate. This statement is false. The tradition of a mourning period after the death of a monarch is not unique to the UK, and many other countries with constitutional monarchies have similar practices.

For example, in Canada, a federal mourning period of several days is typically observed following a reigning or former monarch’s death. Other countries with similar traditions include Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.

However, the length of the mourning period and the specific customs and protocols observed may vary depending on the country and the circumstances surrounding the monarch’s death. It is important to note that the information regarding a mourning period for the Queen’s death is based on tradition and may not reflect current policies or practices.

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

12 days of OFFICIAL mourning means that the flags are flown at half-mast on all government buildings and have nothing to do with getting 12 days off for public holidays.

There may be 12(not sure of the figure) days of mourning, but that does not mean there will be 12 days off school/work. I’d guess there will be 1–2 on the announcement, another for the funeral, and potentially another for the new monarch’s coronation. Wishful thinking that everywhere will shut down for pushing two weeks.

Court mourning is not the same as getting off of school. It means that the Court mourns the Queen’s passing. Doesn’t shut down the entire country. It mainly only affects the royal family, but others also tend to show their support.

But no, the UK is not the only country where there’s called for court mourning after the death of a monarch and the immediate royal family. In Denmark, two years ago, Queen Margrethe lost her husband, Prince Henrik, and the Court was in mourning for a month, which meant no official events for the entire royal family other than what was related to the funeral.

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

Flags on the State building were on half mast for the entire month. The soldiers and court staff wore black armbands to show they were in mourning. The coffin was put on public display for three days before the funeral.

If it had been the Queen, it would have been a State funeral, where the family would walk with the coffin to the train station to take it to Roskilde, where the monarchs are buried (Prince Henrik asked for his funeral to be small).

Prince Henrik had only sometimes had the easiest time in Denmark (he was born French), and many institutions also showed their respect to honour his memory at least.

I am unfamiliar with how the proceedings go in the UK, but the court mourning part would not be so different.

No, because the UK will not get “12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies”.

When QEII does expire, the country will enter a period of National Mourning lasting approximately ten days. All parliamentary business will be suspended during that time, and diplomatic missions and local governments will be instructed to use their discretion about what business continues and can wait until after the funeral. 

It is the only business or school that will be compelled to close for a single day during this time. Some may choose to, but it’s not a requirement.

At the end of the period of National Mourning, the Queen’s funeral will be held. The day of the funeral will be a Bank Holiday (though the government plans to declare it a “Day of National Mourning” instead out of respect) when banks, government, schools, and many businesses will be expected to close.

Subsequently, another Bank Holiday will be on the day King Charles III is coronated. Based on precedent, there is likely to be a substantial gap between the funeral and the coronation. QEII waited over a year for her coronation out of respect for her father.

When the Queen dies, will a day off School happen?

Originally Answered: When the Queen dies, will a day of School happen?

Yes, a day off School will happen, but I think you’re asking if you will get a day OFF School. The day of the funeral will become a bank holiday. It’s estimated that the cost to the country when the “London Bridge has fallen” will be over a billion pounds. 

The stock market will close, shops will be closed, banks will be closed, the country will stop for the day, and it’s likely going to be the most viewed funeral in history and most viewed event in the world (at that time and for god knows how long after) if you include the Commonwealth where she’s Queen as well so Canada Australia New Zealand and the other 12 countries where she’s Queen and all those Americans that are ironically Royalists especially since one of their own infiltrated “the family”. 

I was getting ready for School when Princess Diana died. It was nothing, but that news on every channel, followed by Royal Family programmes, documentaries, etc., ’ll be the same for the Queen. However, it will be a much bigger deal because I don’t think anyone still alive can remember having a King. She’s been on the throne since 1952. 

Everyone knows the Queen; when she goes, it will be a long time before we get another one. We’re due 3 Kings next. She is, I believe, now the King of Thailand is dead, the world’s longest and oldest reigning Monarch. 

The funeral will be held a week after the death, and the body lies in a State guarded by soldiers, the viewings available 24 hours a day for people to pay their respects. All she’s managed to do over the years, and she shouldn’t have even been Queen; it’s only because of the abdication crisis she became heir apparent.

Will there be days off work in the U.K. if the queen dies?

The last time a monarch died in the U.K. was in 1952 when I was in primary school. I remember seeing the flags at half-mast, and the reason was explained to us kids by the teachers. I do not remember a day off from school due to the death.

The following year, Queen Elizabeth was crowned. For this occasion, there were holidays. I remember watching the coronation on a tiny black-and-white television with all the family.

When the Queen dies, will there be a national holiday?

The Queen has been a fixture in the lives of a huge British population, as only older people remember anyone else being on the throne. Many people will be grieving. The government will likely declare a mourning period, including announcing an exceptional day off work for the funeral. I don’t think calling that a holiday is appropriate – it’s more like compassionate leave.

I realise that I’ll personally be genuinely very sad. The Queen has been a backdrop to my life, and it will be like losing a favourite aunt. I’m not particularly a royalist, but I genuinely respect her for her dedication and hard work. I wouldn’t want to have led my life in the public eye with every move analysed and recorded. 

She had had very little freedom, and she’s been consistently gracious through difficult times. When Elizabeth’s successor – most likely Charles – is crowned, that will be a day of celebration and a national holiday.

What happens when the Queen of the UK dies?

Originally Answered: What happens if the Queen dies?

(The new) King Charles and her other children will be notified, along with the Prime Minister and the press, once the palace is prepared for the flood of attention. 

The royal standard will be lowered wherever she is and raised wherever Charles is. Her body will probably be prepared by undertakers in situ rather than moving it and exposing it to public attention. 

The family will visit, and then she will be put in a coffin and transported on a gun carriage in a public procession to Westminster Hall, where she will lie in state for several days, and the public can come and pay their respects. After that, it will go to the chapel at Windsor Castle for burial. Parliament will declare a national day of mourning and a day off work.

The Prime Minister will also address the nation and possibly the new king. The king will immediately take over the Queen’s role, reading and signing legislation. He and his family will move into Buckingham Palace within a few days or weeks. There is no letup in the work. Plans will begin for his coronation, several months away. World leaders will call to offer their condolences, and the Union flag will fly at half-mast.

What would happen if the Queen of England died right this second?

Oddly enough, every year where I work, we have to go through the arrangements. We are gearing up for that review now – it’s called Operation London Bridge.

I will not go through it in great detail because there are about 30 pages of close type, even at the county council level. At the Palace, I gather that the guidance is several volumes and that there is a small staff whose primary function is preparing for everything.

Anyway, roughly speaking…

D-day: Parliament meets, and a new monarch is proclaimed in London and other capitals within the Realm. Flags at half mast for some days. If she dies outside London, the body will be moved to the capital, causing mayhem on rail routes if she goes by train (don’t ask!). She goes to Holyrood for a few days if she dies in Scotland.

D+1 Proclamations in Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. 

Condolence books in public buildings. A massive run on black ribbon and photo frames – authorities who did not buy a stock ahead running around like headless chickens. Photographers holding the copyright to official photographs of the Queen started planning exotic holidays as they doubled their copyright fees.

D+2 Proclamations at county level

D+3–5 Proclamations at town and district level (from the steps of town halls, etc.). Lying in the state will now have begun when it began, depending on where she dies.

Roughly D+9 (give or take a day or so) Funeral.

Back to normal. Everyone takes down the old monarch’s photos and tries to get hold of the official pic of the new monarch. A photographer who gets the gig to take a new official photo has a big smile.

What country has the phone code 35?

What happens when the Queen dies? Who would take her place in the monarchy?

I presume you mean the current British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, so I’ll answer within those specifics.

Upon the death of the British monarch, the heir apparent immediately becomes the next sovereign. It happens instantly, wherever the heir is, regardless of whether the new monarch even knows of the death of their predecessor. 

In the case of the death of George VI, his eldest daughter Elizabeth was in Kenya, sleeping in a treehouse, utterly unaware that she had become Queen.

When QEII dies, her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales, will immediately become King. Nothing but an act of Parliament can change the succession. I recently saw a headline in one of the American scandal tabloids that are so ubiquitous at checkout stands that proclaimed, “Queen names William and Kate next King and Queen! Charles and Camilla Furious!”- a ridiculous headline and entirely impossible. 

The Queen has no more power to name her successor than she does to command the tide to stop. Parliament set down those rules, and only Parliament can alter them (an exceedingly unlikely event).

Presuming he survives his mother, Charles will become King. He will choose his regnal name. He need not reign as Charles III; he may choose any name, George VII. I suspect he will keep his name. His mother did, and he has been Prince Charles for so long that he may think it would be odd and unsettling for the people to call him by another name.

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

He will move his official residence from Clarence House to Buckingham Palace. The palace staff may be altered slightly, but only a little. His official seal will be struck; state papers will be addressed to him rather than his mother; a few minor cosmetic changes will possibly occur to the palace’s interior, and he will take possession of Balmoral, St James’s, Windsor, and the other royal residences. 

The yeoman warders of the Tower and other ceremonial soldiers will switch to his crest, as will new postal pillars across the nation. New money and stamps bearing his image (facing the opposite way that his mother faced) will be printed and minted. There will be countless other little similar changes.

The nation (and the world) will mourn for a monarch without equality in British history. 

Charles (or whatever he calls himself) will be the chief mourner leading the nation in an outpouring of grief that will eclipse anything ever seen in Britain. Even the death of Diana will pale in comparison. Charles will have his coronation sometime after that (probably several months). This sacred ceremony confirms him as sovereign, but it has no actual legal effect; he will already be King.

And then, Britain and the world will get used to a new normal. The second Elizabethan age will have come to an end. A new age will begin. Whether that age will be successful for the monarchy will mostly depend on whether Charles navigates his way as well as his mother did.

Is Queen Elizabeth II dead?

Originally Answered: Is Queen Elizabeth dead?

You’re going to get a lot of flak for this question, but for me, I’m going to put away the snark for a bit because even if you are a troll, I know how it feels.

I’d quite like to believe that reports of Queenie’s demise are untrue, too, but unfortunately, it isn’t the case; she’s gone. I was doing alright with it, being stoic, and then on Friday morning, I got to work and walked past the flag at half-mast, and that’s when I lost it a bit.

Because a flag is a brightly coloured bit of cloth, except it isn’t. And Queenie was a very old lady who’d reached her time. Except she wasn’t. Nevertheless, we’ll have to wear our long trousers and accept that she’s now part of history like she would have.

Eventually, prince or pauper, nos habebit humus everyone, and Queenie can go wherever she’s gone safe in the knowledge that she did her bit from the first to the last and left us Charles, who isn’t looking all that bad.

And when you drop off your perch, and six billion worldwide wake up and go “aw, no,” then you can consider your last seventy years well spent, after all.

In your opinion, should Britain become a republic?

In principle, Britain should be a republic because monarchies are, in principle, absurd.

In practice, however, it’s a different story. The UK would have to create a written constitution, and the fighting over that would be unimaginable. We could never agree on what ought to be in it. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland would almost certainly get shafted again.

The relationship between the monarchy, the government, and the people has been fine-tuned over centuries and has reached a point where it works remarkably well. Of course, it doesn’t stop complete tossers from being elected, but that would also be true in a republic.

In a way, the sovereign is our last resort in the face of an oppressive Parliament. In principle, the sovereign has no power and stays out of politics. In practice, she has a great deal of soft power and a bully pulpit second to none.

Even though I was born an American and raised to believe monarchies are evil, my views are now more nuanced. High principles are great to think about, but the actual implementation is another story. It isn’t broken, and I see no reason to fix it.

The last time we had a monarch who gave trouble (Edward VIII), we got rid of the monarch instead of the monarchy. We knew which was more important.

Does school mean college in the UK?

The terms are used differently in the UK, and this answer may need to be more concise!

  1. “School” usually means a place of learning for minors or those just in adulthood at 18 years or over.
  2. “School” can mean a teaching unit (academic department) in a university or college.
  3. “College” usually means a further education establishment – below a higher-education university.
  4. “College” also means a university unit, e.g. Jesus College within Cambridge University. (It has halls and refectory, etc., for students and Faculty members.)
  5. Some schools are called “College”, for instance, “Lancing College – a private school in the public school sector (here “public” means “private”)
  6. “school” never does not mean “university”, and certainly not when referring to a “school of dolphins” – they are much too intelligent for a human university.

What must it be like to be in the United Kingdom as the world watches the events following the death of Queen Elizabeth II?

Well, I can tell you what it is like to be in the United Kingdom, as I am in the United Kingdom. Here’s what it’s like. The news is dominated by coverage of the Queen’s death. For the first 24 hours, it featured in most conversations. But other than that, life continues as normal.

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

No, the United Kingdom is not the only country that gets a period of official mourning and a break from school,

college, and work when the head of state dies. In many countries, the death of a head of state is a significant event marked by official ceremonies and a period of national mourning. The length of the official mourning period and the extent of the disruptions to daily life can vary depending on the country and its traditions.

For example, in the United States, the death of the president or another high-ranking government official is marked with a period of official mourning and a state funeral. The U.S. flag is flown at half-staff on all federal buildings, military installations, and naval vessels for a designated period, and there may be other ceremonies or disruptions to daily life, such as the closure of schools or businesses.

In Canada, the death of the monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth II) or the governor-general (the Queen’s representative in Canada) is marked with a period of official mourning and a state funeral. The Canadian flag is flown at half-mast on all federal buildings and establishments for a designated period, and there may be other disruptions to daily life, such as the closure of schools or businesses.

In many other countries, this is marked by official mourning and ceremonies to honour the deceased leader.

Will humour be banned from British television for 12 days after Queen Elizabeth dies?

No. It will be obligatory.

According to page 42 of my magnum opus, The Bumper Fun Book of Royal Protocol, which until today was blank because the news of the death of Her Majesty is so serious, no other serious news item, documentary or other such broadcast will be allowed on the BBC for 40 (not twelve) days after her demise, as such items would detract from the focus of this most dreadful event, the death of a monarch.

Instead, the BBC will treat us to repeats of the Benny Hill Show (which they will need to buy back from German TV), “Some Mothers Do Have ’em”, and of course, the old favourite, the Potter’s Wheel.

Conclusion – Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

Where did you get that idea from? There will indeed be twelve days of official mourning, but people will be expected to work and attend school as usual. There will likely be a public holiday (not sure that’s the right word!) on the day of the Queen’s funeral itself. They are saying that some people will still be expected to work. Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?

There were rumours at the time of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, that her funeral was deliberately scheduled for a weekend to minimise the disruption to the country that might have entailed if people had skipped work to line the streets or watch events on the television. 

How true that may be. I remember some people grumbling about it because they’d expected an unexpected day off work.

Is the UK the only country that gets 12 days off school/college/work when the Queen dies?