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What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

This a high-quality, twist-locking carabiner. I’ve encouraged many people who train with us to carry this. It is nigh-indestructible and provides a place to clip your keys to your belt or hang a bag (or purse) from a counter, stool, table or chair. It provides a lot of functional utility. It is not a weapon. It can function like a kubaton, which serves no other “non-weapon” purpose. What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

If you’re going to carry a mini-baton, you should carry a knife. It’s still a weapon, just a less efficient one. The advantage is that most average-sized people can fit their four fingers inside it and get a steady grip. It leaves the bottom loop under the hand, creating an excellent striking surface.

If asked post-incident what someone used to strike an attacker with a carabiner, the answer is “my keys”. It will be hard to articulate that a simple loop with many useful uses was purposely carried as a weapon. 

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

Pepper spray is a popular non-lethal weapon that is widely used for self-defense. It works by delivering a powerful stream of oleoresin capsicum to an attacker, causing temporary blindness, coughing, and shortness of breath. Pepper spray is easy to carry, and it can be concealed in a pocket or purse.

It becomes a weapon of opportunity if needed, but under a potentially life-threatening attack, so would anything else that a person randomly picked up to protect themselves.

  1. Caveat: The true importance of personal defence cases like these relies heavily on articulating a reasonable fear that one was actually in danger.
  2. Caveat 2: This is not legal advice, just a perspective on potential personal defence options.

Note: I used this specific item as an example because it will likely be legal everywhere. Other non-firearm weapons like tasers, pepper sprays and knives have their place, but people often live where these and firearms are not legal to carry.

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

Pepper spray is the most common non-lethal self-defence weapon known to citizens. Women have largely been linked to carrying pepper spray as an affordable, compact, and effective method for self-defence.

Stun guns are also highly effective as non-lethal self-defence weapons. They are easy to carry, quick to deploy, and can deliver a powerful and painful shock. It’s also very easy to understand how to use a stun gun for self-defence.

What weapons can I carry to protect myself?

Some of the best self-defence weapons that are legal to use in California include:

  • pepper spray,
  • personal alarms (which are commonly attached to a keychain and produce extremely loud sounds when people activate them),
  • stun guns or tasers,
  • certain knives and.
  • Certain guns.

Why don’t most people carry firearms for self-defence?

Many people don’t live in countries where their lives are in danger:

For example, I’m from Bulgaria (Eastern Europe), and the worst thing that happens around here is we get drunk and get into a fight… we punch each other for a while and then go to bed… no need for guns…

Of course, for example, if you’re some rich businessman and you’ve received death threats or something, you can (and probably should) buy a gun, but… if you’re just a normal person, there’s generally no need, you’re not in any danger.

Is self-defence murder?

How could anyone in their right mind possibly conclude that defending one’s own life against someone intending to harm you could be construed as murder?

By the way, the anti-gun left repeatedly ignores that in most cases where a person uses a gun in self-defence, no one is killed. Rarely are there even any shots fired. I know three such cases personally. The crime was stopped, and no one was injured, simply by the presence of a gun.

Would you rather be able to fire a gun with great skill or have a 5th-degree black belt in karate, and which one would make you feel safer at night?

Would you rather be able to fire a gun with great skill or have a 5th-degree black belt in karate, and which one would make you feel safer at night?


I don’t know karate, but I am skilled in other armed and unarmed forms of combat, as well as a good shot.

In the vast majority of cases, the Gun will keep you safer. It has several advantages over unarmed or armed combat:

  • It takes less time to become moderately proficient
  • It takes less strength to use it effectively
  • Guns are standoff weapons; that is, you can wound him before he can get close enough to touch you
  • You can more easily and safely engage multiple threats

Any self-defence course should teach the use of the pistol, the knife, and the body, but in most cases, the pistol will be your safest option, with the knife and body covering the fringe cases.

What is the worst firearm for self-defence?

I will double down and say that in addition to being the most impractical firearm in human history, Cobray’s Ladies Home Companion is the worst home defence gun.

For those unfamiliar with the Cobray Company, it was a firearms manufacturer in the 70s and 80s. The firm is most remembered today for its “Street Sweeper” shotguns. The Street Sweeper was effectively a revolver shotgun. Shells were loaded into a drum cylinder, which acted as the Gun’s magazine. The magazine was then wound, leaving the user with essentially a semi-automatic 12 gauge.

The Street Sweeper has little appeal in an era of saiga-12s and plentiful options for automatic shotguns. It is a hard-shooting, poorly-designed 12 gauge, with much better alternatives on the market. However, when the street sweeper debuted, ATF ultimately found that the Gun’s marketing was so egregious that they banned the guns as “destructive devices.”

Cobray’s Ladies Home Companion is a Street Sweeper rechambered for .45–70. You heard that right; the Lady’s Home Companion is a pistol that fires a cartridge to take down bears. I honestly have no idea how most people would have a prayer of firing that Gun without breaking their wrists! And the jackasses behind this Gun named it the “Ladies Home Companion.”

As if it is bad enough that if you try to wield this thing in anger, you are almost certain to break your wrists. Then, there is also the problem of overpenetration. Remember, the round that the LHC shoots is designed to stop bears. 

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

Bullets from that Gun could penetrate the walls of two or three separate homes. As a result, if you are not careful, there is a chance that in attempting to defend yourself, you could take off the head of your neighbour’s kid, three homes away.

Lastly, there is the issue of reloading. The Lady’s home companion only holds eight rounds. If you blow through your entire drum without breaking your wrists in a fit of rage, you must go through the whole cumbersome process of loading and winding the Gun all over. If you try using the LHC to face an opponent using a gun with box-detachable magazines, you will be in a world of trouble.

Which handgun calibre is the most practical for self-defence?

9mm is, hands down, the quintessential handgun calibre. Some will argue that .45 ACP is the best because it’s the biggest (for a reasonable price.) problem is that .45 ACP is good at one thing and one thing alone: big, slow bullets.

Others would argue that .40 S&W is the best because it’s almost as big as a .45 ACP and almost as fast as a 9mm, and this used to be true. But modern 9mm rounds can match the performance of .40 S&W.

Some used to argue that .380 ACP was the best because it was the easiest to conceal, but now, 9mm pistols are just as small as .380 pistols were ten years ago.

You can get up to 180 gr. Commercial 9mm bullets, and I’ve heard of some reloaders using 200gr .357 bullets in their 9mm. That’s a lot of lead!

If you prefer a laser beam, you can shoot a 50gr. 9mm bullet at over 2000 fps that’s approaching 223 performance!

As for the pistols themselves, you can get super compact single-stack pistols like the Sig P938 with a capacity of 7 rounds.

  • You can get the slightly larger, double-stack polymer P365, with a capacity of 13 rounds.
  • Or you can get a full-size pistol like a Beretta M9, Sig P226 or Glock 17, with a maximum capacity of 20–30 rounds.
  • A BFG like an AR9, with a maximum capacity of up to 100 rounds! (The one below holds 50 rounds.)

What’s the best Gun to own for home defence?

Originally Answered: What’s the best Gun to own for home defence?

The one with which you can hit.

Get a shotgun. You must have one. Get a large fire extinguisher if firearms are not permitted where you live. You must attend that too, and you do not want to be at the receiving end of the fire extinguisher jet either – and you can use it also on putting out fires when needed.

If water is H2O, what is H3O

Why does Canada not allow self-defence as a reason to own a firearm?

Canada does allow owning a firearm for self-defence.

You can have a shotgun or rifle for self-defence, and if you live in a rural area with lots of wildlife, it’s a good idea. However, you need a license, pass a background check and pass a series of firearm safety tests BEFORE you buy it. You also cannot carry it around, either openly or concealed.

Certain people can carry or conceal handguns and other prohibited weapons, but you must prove you need them. The excuse “cause somebody might break in” is not good enough. Generally, this is restricted to working in wilderness areas with dangerous wild animals or defending armoured cars with cash. 

On very rare occasions, they are issued for “protection of life,” usually when there is an active police file, a verifiable threat, and police confirmation that they cannot provide adequate protection for that person. 

Since most concealed and open carrying involves handguns, and all handguns are restricted or prohibited, this effectively outlaws most concealed carrying by most people.

What types of knives are illegal for self-defence in Canada?

What self-defence weapons are legal in Canada? None whatsoever. You can’t carry anything for self-defence. Do you want to carry a cane? You better be able to prove you need it. Want to carry a knife? 

You better be able to prove you need it for your job. You need a “good reason” to carry anything potentially dangerous, and protecting your life and property isn’t a “good reason”.

If you are a security guard transporting a corporation’s money, that is a good reason to carry self-defence tools. Rich people’s money is worth protecting. Yours isn’t.

Likewise, if you are a bodyguard employed by the rich and powerful, that’s a good reason, too. The ruling class’s lives are worth protecting. Yours isn’t.

By your ordinary, hard-working average taxpayer? Nope, your life and property aren’t worth protecting. Your betters wouldn’t want peasants to stay within your station and in line. You might eventually figure out that the ruling class is screwing you over and band together to do something about it. Can’t have that happening.

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?

This line of reasoning — that a law-abiding citizen has to demonstrate some special need over and above that of the general public to be allowed to carry inanimate objects for the explicit purpose of self-protection — is what the US SCOTUS just rejected in striking down New York’s concealed carry law.

Self-defence against unlawful aggression is a fundamental human right. This right is only meaningful with the means to exercise it. The best way to survive any emergency is to be prepared for that emergency, which means having effective and appropriate tools close to hand when that emergency happens. The most effective tool to survive unwarranted and unprovoked violence is a firearm.

What self-defence items can I use in my home to defend myself in Canada?

Your options are as limitless as your imagination. For example, the last time I had to defend myself in my home, I used a pool noodle. Sprayed water all over the wife. She was being obstreperous over the wine service poolside and was making aggressive moves on me.

That set her to rights, I’ll tell you!

But do you mean self-defence in the case of a home invasion? Well, again, your choice is limitless. One former prime minister confronted an intruder with an Inuit sculpture in his hand. He served as a great example for the rest of us. Blunt objects need not be artless.

Chances are up here if somebody’s intruding into your home; they are either drunk, mistaken, Charlie from down the street being a ******, or desperate thieves after your hockey card collection and the like. If they are in the latter case or category, they will not likely have the money to possess a gun. 

If they don’t have one, you don’t need one. Guns in the house have a habit of hurting the wrong people anyway. I would probably grab my old hockey stick and bang it on the stairs a few times on my way down so the guy could jump out the window before I got there. If he persisted, I probably work up the five-minute major on his ass. Does this answer your question? I hope so.


What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm. The choice of a self-defense tool depends on various factors, including your comfort level, local laws, and personal preferences. It’s crucial to prioritize legal and responsible use of any self-defense tool. Here are some options that are legal in many places and can be concealed:

  1. Pepper Spray or Mace:
    • Pepper spray is a non-lethal option that temporarily incapacitates an attacker. It’s small, easy to carry, and legal in many locations. Be sure to check local laws regarding its use and carry.
  2. Tactical Flashlight:
    • A high-powered flashlight with a striking bezel can serve as both a light source and a defensive tool. Some flashlights are designed specifically for self-defense, featuring a strobe function to disorient potential attackers.
  3. Personal Alarm:
    • A personal alarm emits a loud noise when activated, which can attract attention and potentially scare off an assailant. It’s a non-physical deterrent that can be carried discreetly.
  4. Tactical Pen:
    • A tactical pen is a durable pen designed for self-defense. It typically has a pointed end that can be used to strike an assailant and may include features like a glass breaker.
  5. Stun Gun:
    • Stun guns deliver an electric shock to temporarily incapacitate an attacker. It’s important to research local laws regarding the legality of stun guns, as they may be restricted in some areas.
  6. Kubotan or Tactical Keychain:
    • A Kubotan is a small, handheld tool that can be used for striking or applying pressure to sensitive areas. Some keychains are designed with built-in self-defense features.

Always keep in mind that the effectiveness of any self-defense tool depends on proper training and the ability to use it confidently in a high-stress situation. Additionally, laws regarding the possession and use of self-defense tools vary by location, so it’s crucial to be aware of and comply with local regulations. Before purchasing or carrying any self-defense tool, check the specific laws in your area to ensure legal and responsible use.

What is the best weapon for personal defence that is legally concealed and not a firearm?