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What is the difference between a man bun and a woman bun?

What is the difference between a man bun and a woman bun?

What is the difference between a man bun and a woman bun?

The terms “man bun” and “woman bun” generally refer to similar hairstyles, and the primary difference lies in the gender of the person wearing the bun. Both styles involve pulling the hair back into a bun or knot, typically on the back of the head.

The “man bun” became a popular hairstyle among some men in recent years, characterized by longer hair gathered into a bun at the crown or back of the head. It gained popularity as a fashion trend and is not inherently different in technique from a woman’s bun.

A “woman bun” can refer to women’s various bun styles, including high buns, low buns, messy buns, or braided buns. The style may vary based on personal preference, occasion, or cultural influences.

The difference is not in the bun itself but in the societal association with gender and the cultural context. However, it’s important to note that hairstyles are a personal choice, and individuals may choose any hairstyle they feel comfortable with, regardless of gender norms or labels.

Buns are still implicitly feminine; the man bun is masculine. But in addition to reminding us that men, like women, embodied subjects invested in the careful cultivation of their appearance, the man bun also reflects the process of cultural appropriation.

The best face shapes for a man bun are Oval, Square, and triangle-shaped faces, which work well for men. Those with oblong faces should avoid a man bun or wear it lower down on the crown to avoid making their face look longer.

A bun on a woman is simply a bun. This design creates a romantic vibe to match young ladies’ evening gowns. Best on Square-face women and a heart-shaped face.

What’s your opinion of man buns?

Looks matter a lot in many situations. If you look good, you feel good. Every person wants to look their best. Physical appearance does affect your overall personality. Maintaining health, having an excellent posture, updating your fashion sense, residence, etc., affects your personality.

I find guys attractive in the way they carry themselves. They may be the guys who are simply immaculate and elegant.

Or guys like these who are super casual. I think man buns are sexy… It shows their personality. But not everyone can pull it off perfectly.

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Why do people make fun of men with long hair and man buns, although it looks alright?

Just my rambling, humble opinions … you’re welcome to disagree. But this isn’t worth getting into a urinating contest over.

People today make fun of anything deviating from the norm. I like the look of the various buns, knots, and ponytails long-haired men are sporting today. With the advent of open homosexuality, guys today are afraid of being pegged as “gay” because of the clothes they wear (skinny jeans, for example) and what they do with their hair. 

As a guy growing out his hair, I’m looking forward to some of the same simple, long hairstyles that are popular today. For a society and generation supposedly big on being open and inclusive, they are sure good at eating their own with withering criticism. 

I grew up in the ’60s and ’70s, and long hair on guys was all the rage. The Hippy Movement and rock and roll bands help fuel the long hair fad for guys. And nobody dissed anyone for it. Oh, you had the adults calling anyone with long hair a “hippy,” but amongst our generational peer group, all was peace and love (lol).

Long hair on men is still trendy. And some exciting styles have arisen as well. In my day, we had “unisex”…in keeping on point … guys started going to hair salons (vs. barbershops) to get “unisex” haircuts (the layered cut) and styles. As an example, once the purview of women, the “shag” haircut/style became popular with guys as well.

So now we have today, where men are once again wearing long hair. And doing things with it that were once only seen in women. As Yogi wanted to say, “It’s deja vu.” Only this time, there is an undercurrent of ugly criticality.

Something that wasn’t there when I was growing up. I don’t remember anyone dissing the guys I hung with who took the plunge (got their moms to pay) and got a shag haircut. It was just the opposite.

It all boils down to opinions, and like assholes, everybody has one. And then you have some people who are just walking assholes. Live your life as you want to. Don’t be afraid of what you think others are going to think about you, because that’s a naturally shitty way to live. If you cave and compromise yourself, then the walking assholes have won. Don’t let them win.

Why are people so aggressive to the idea of men having long hair? For instance, the “man-bun”?

Some people don’t like long hair on a man. It could be that they were brought up in an environment where it was considered effeminate. Others think it doesn’t look good. 

As long as it is clean, I have no problem with the length of a man’s hair. The man-bun is a neat look. It’s what’s in your head & heart as opposed to what’s on your head that matters.

Attitudes toward men having long hair, including styles like the “man bun,” can be influenced by cultural norms, societal expectations, and traditional gender stereotypes. 

Throughout history, certain societies have held specific beliefs about how men and women should present themselves, which can contribute to people’s reactions toward unconventional hairstyles.

Here are a few potential reasons why some individuals might react negatively to the idea of men having long hair, such as the “man bun”:

  1. Gender stereotypes: Societal norms and traditional gender expectations often dictate that men should have short hair and women should have long hair. Deviating from these norms may trigger resistance or discomfort in some individuals who hold onto these stereotypes.
  2. Cultural and generational differences: Older generations may be more accustomed to traditional gender roles and find accepting changes in fashion and grooming norms challenging. Cultural beliefs and values also play a role, as different cultures have varied perspectives on acceptable hairstyles for men.
  3. Perceived masculinity: Some people associate short hair with traditional masculinity and may perceive long hair as more feminine. This perception can lead to resistance or adverse reactions when men adopt unconventional hairstyles.
  4. Resistance to change: People often resist changes to established norms, and unconventional hairstyles, like the man bun, challenge traditional grooming standards. This resistance can be rooted in a desire to maintain the status quo.

It’s essential to recognize that attitudes toward hairstyles and gender norms are evolving, and many individuals embrace diverse expressions of personal style. While some may express negativity or resistance, there is also a growing acceptance and celebration of individuality and self-expression in fashion and grooming. Ultimately, personal choice and comfort should be prioritized over societal expectations regarding appearance.

What’s your opinion of man buns?

My inner voice says mean things. Then my moral code kicks in and says, “Dan … you put your wiener in another man’s butt … so you don’t really get to get all high on your horse about eye-bleedingly hideous hair style choices of some FUCKING IDIOTIC MORONS!”

Serenity now. Serenity now. Serenity now. Fuzzy boots. Man buns. No. I do not like them, Sam, I am. But it’s not my hair. I’m a pragmatist. I have no place to judge. Be kind to your neighbor. Be kind.† †Still. I do hate them.

Man buns, like any hairstyle, are a matter of personal choice and individual expression. They have gained popularity recently as a fashion trend, particularly among younger generations. For some individuals, the man bun represents a sense of style, cultural identity, or personal statement.

Opinions about man buns vary widely among different people and cultures. Some may admire the style for its uniqueness and fashion-forward appearance, while others may not prefer it or may associate it with certain stereotypes. 

Like any hairstyle, the perception of man buns is subjective and influenced by personal preferences, cultural norms, and societal trends. Ultimately, whether someone wears a man bun or any other hairstyle should be entirely up to them and based on their identity and self-expression.

Why do people hate the “man bun” so much?

Why do people hate man bun? Hmm, well, there are a few reasons that I could think of.

  1. It contradicts the idea of gender norms; people are brainwashed to believe certain things are masculine while others are feminine, like long hair, so the “man bun” refutes their idea or what they consider masculine.
  2. It’s hippy.

I don’t hate it; it’s stylish, and not everyone can carry it, making it even more enjoyable. If a man can own the look, why not? The most important thing is fashion is about breaking the rules. The perception and dislike of the “man bun” can vary widely, and it’s important to note that not everyone hates or dislikes this hairstyle.

However, some common reasons people may express negativity towards the man bun include:

  1. Cultural and Gender Norms: Traditional gender norms and cultural expectations often associate long hair with femininity and short hair with masculinity. The man bun challenges these norms, leading to discomfort or resistance from those who adhere to traditional views on gender and appearance.
  2. Fashion Trends: Some people may view the man bun as a passing fashion trend, and, as with any trend, there can be individuals who resist or criticize it for not aligning with their tastes or preferences.
  3. Stereotypes: There might be stereotypes associated with the man bun, such as assumptions about the individual’s personality, interests, or lifestyle. Stereotyping can lead to negative perceptions and judgments.
  4. Overexposure and Media Representation: In some cases, the popularity and overexposure of the man bun in media and popular culture may contribute to backlash. Trends that become too mainstream can sometimes elicit a counter-cultural response.
  5. Individual Preferences: Like any fashion or grooming choice, personal preferences play a significant role. Some individuals do not find the man bun aesthetically appealing or may have different preferences regarding hairstyles.

It’s essential to recognize that opinions about the man bun are subjective, and many people embrace diversity in personal styles and expressions. 

While some may dislike the man bun, others appreciate it as a form of self-expression and a way to challenge traditional norms. Ultimately, personal choice and individual comfort should guide decisions about hairstyles and grooming.

Does the man bun undercut look girly?

Nope, quite the opposite. If a man wears it well, it can even be hot, such as in the pictures below, but that applies to any hairstyle. It may be slightly more complicated to pull off, though.

The perception of whether a man bun undercut looks “girly” is subjective and can vary based on individual preferences, cultural influences, and societal norms. Fashion and grooming trends evolve, and what may be considered traditional or unconventional can vary among different communities and age groups.

The man bun undercut typically involves shaving or trimming the sides and back of the head while leaving longer hair on top, which is then gathered into a bun. The perception of whether this hairstyle looks “girly” is often tied to cultural norms and expectations regarding gender expression and hairstyles.

It’s important to note that associating certain hairstyles with a specific gender is a social construct, and individual preferences should be respected. Society’s understanding of gender and appearance is evolving, and many people appreciate diverse expressions of style without adhering to rigid gender stereotypes.

Ultimately, whether a man bun undercut looks “girly” is subjective, and individuals should feel free to choose hairstyles that align with their personal preferences and make them feel comfortable and confident. Beauty standards and perceptions of gendered hairstyles are changing, and there is increasing acceptance of a wide range of styles across genders.

Why do people hate the “man bun” so much?

It seems one of the closest things to a woman’s hairdo. Some men do not feel comfortable with this and think that the man bun is not “masculine.”

I like the look of the “man bun.”” The man bun makes you look more powerful, like a genie, ready to use telekinesis powers.

Men believe their hairstyles must be unique and set aside from women’s hairstyles. It’s like men with long hair; it is frowned upon. Anything that breaks the stereotype deserves to be discriminated against. Which should be different from how it should work. I hope this answers your question.

Opinions about the “man bun” are subjective, and not everyone dislikes this hairstyle. However, there are various reasons why some people might express negativity or dislike towards the man bun. These reasons include:

  1. Cultural and Gender Norms: Traditional gender norms often dictate specific expectations for how men and women should present themselves. As seen in the man bun, long hair on men challenges these norms, leading to discomfort or resistance from those who adhere to more conventional views on gender and appearance.
  2. Fashion Trends: The man bun became a popular trend, and as with any trend, some resist or criticize it based on personal tastes or preferences. Some may see it as a passing fashion statement that they don’t find appealing.
  3. Stereotypes: The man bun has been associated with certain stereotypes, such as assumptions about the individual’s personality, interests, or lifestyle. Stereotyping can lead to negative perceptions and judgments.
  4. Overexposure and Media Representation: If a trend becomes too mainstream or is perceived as overexposed in media and popular culture, it can trigger a backlash. Some people may develop a negative opinion based on the perception that the man bun is overused or lacking originality.
  5. Individual Preferences: Like any fashion or grooming choice, personal preferences play a significant role. Some individuals simply do not find the man bun aesthetically appealing or may have different preferences regarding hairstyles.

It’s essential to recognize that these reasons are not universally shared, and many individuals appreciate diversity in personal styles and expressions. While some may dislike the man bun, others see it as a form of self-expression and a way to challenge traditional norms. Personal choice and individual comfort should guide decisions about hairstyles and grooming.

How do I grow a man bun?

  1. Grow all your hair long enough to pull into a ponytail at the back of your head, plus at least 3 inches.
  2. Get a hair elastic.
  3. Brush your hair straight back and gather it, then wrap the elastic around it several times, making sure not to pull the ‘tail’ all the way through on the last wrap so that the ends of the hair are trapped in the elastic, too.

Voila: a quickie bun. If you are a man, it is a man bun.

If you like, you can use a clip instead of an elastic to secure the wad of hair:

Suppose your hair is even longer than that. In that case, you can do a proper bun, which involves making a ponytail, then wrapping the loose tail several times around the base of the tail where the elastic is holding it, and securing it with either a second elastic or a set of hair sticks.

Growing a man bun requires patience and a commitment to letting your hair grow out. Here are some tips to help you achieve a man bun:

  1. Start with Enough Hair Length:
    • You typically need at least 6 to 8 inches of hair length to tie a small bun. For a larger or more voluminous bun, you may need longer hair.
    • Keep in mind that hair grows at an average rate of about half an inch (1.25 cm) per month.
  2. Be Patient:
    • Growing out your hair takes time. Be patient during the awkward in-between stages.
  3. Regular Trims:
    • Although it might seem counterintuitive, regular trims can help maintain a neater appearance as your hair grows. Trimming split ends can prevent breakage.
  4. Choose a Suitable Hairstyle:
    • Consider your hair type and face shape when deciding on a man bun style. Options include a full bun, half bun, or even an undercut with a bun.
  5. Hair Care:
    • Take care of your hair by washing it regularly with a suitable shampoo and conditioner to keep it healthy.
    • Use hair products, such as styling wax or pomade, to manage your hair as it grows.
  6. Avoid Heat and Chemicals:
    • Minimize the use of heat styling tools and chemical treatments, as these can damage your hair and slow down the growing process.
  7. Use Hair Accessories:
    • As your hair grows, you might find it helpful to use hair accessories like clips, headbands, or hair ties to keep it in place and maintain a tidy appearance.
  8. Visit a Barber or Stylist:
    • Consult with a barber or stylist who can guide you through the growing process and help shape your hair as it reaches the desired length.
  9. Learn to Tie a Bun:
    • Once your hair is long enough, learn how to tie a bun. There are various methods, including a classic bun, top knot, or half bun. Experiment to find a style that suits you.

Remember that everyone’s hair grows at a different rate, so the time it takes to achieve your desired length may vary. Additionally, consult with a hairstylist for personalized advice based on your hair type and preferences.

Can a woman have a man bun?

No, by definition a man bun is a bun on a man. A bun on a woman is simply a bun. It’s a hairstyle, which shouldn’t have a gender, but some people can’t deal with traditionally female styles on men, hence the term “man bun.”

Should I cut my man bun?

I’m famous for being the most non-judgemental person in the hair world. Everyone should wear their hair in any length, style, or color they wish.

Who am I to say you should cut your man bun?

I do have to wonder why you’re asking. You may have a love interest who suggested you cut it. Or maybe it’s impacting your ability to get a job, move up in your career, or be taken seriously in a professional environment.

Ultimately, it’s your hair. Wear it in whatever way makes you happy, comfortable, and at ease with who you are.

Yes, sometimes there are consequences to having a hairstyle that others might not like, but if you aren’t bothered by others and their opinions, go with your gut. Cut or don’t cut. It’s up to you.

Best wishes.

Is having a man-bun girlish?

Not at all. It isn’t lovely in my eyes. But it is not remotely feminine. Buns on women are pretty severe. They are associated in the West with the strictness and rigidity of classical ballet, which is sexless. Buns appear similarly powerful in men. Severity is not a feminine or masculine trait.

No, having a man bun is not inherently “girlish.” Hairstyles are personal choices and expressions of individual style, and they should not be tied to gender norms or stereotypes. The perception of certain hairstyles as “girlish” or “boyish” is often influenced by cultural and societal expectations, which can vary widely.

In recent years, there has been a shift in societal attitudes toward gender and self-expression, challenging traditional notions of what is considered masculine or feminine. Many people, regardless of gender, embrace many hairstyles that were once associated with specific genders.

A man bun is simply a hairstyle where longer hair is gathered and tied into a bun. It’s a fashion choice that has gained popularity among individuals who appreciate the versatility and style of this particular look. 

Ultimately, the decision to have a man bun or any other hairstyle should be based on personal preference and comfort rather than conforming to outdated gender stereotypes. Everyone should feel free to express themselves in a way that aligns with their identity and makes them feel confident.

Why do you have a man bun?

I do not. My son does, though. It is fashionable for men with long hair to do this in Denver. He learned to do it because the women he hung out with taught him to do it. They liked it that way. So, of course, he wants it. It also keeps his hair out of his face. He has hair down to the middle of his back.

It also keeps him from being called Jesus by strangers. He is the spitting image of some Christian pictures I have seen of Jesus Christ. (Long brown hair, brown beard, brown eyes, and dark skin.) He is an atheist and does not take too kindly to the comparison.

Can a guy wear a man bun without a beard?

Same answer to the ponytail sans beard! You like it. You want it. It’s free will. Would you let others dictate your fancy and your muse?

If it does not “suit you,” you are hurting no one but yourself, but it’s you to decide whether you choose to. Do what rocks your world, and yes, you can rock the manbun regardless!

To add to the answer, I once grew a beard, and being adventurous, I shaved off the beard and mustache on one half of my face and went out in the world to buy gas, visit, and generally walk around. 

No one seemed to care or found it so unusual that someone was walking around wholly disregarding convention. It confirmed that often, we are our own worst critics. If it’s not illegal, life-threatening, hurts no one, and rocks your world, go for it.

Are man buns bad for your hair?

Although men get lots of hate from fashionistas, they do carry a potential long-term risk of triggering traction alopecia. This can occur if the hair is pulled back too tightly so that pressure is sustained at the roots, along the hairline, or throughout the scalp.

It can also occur if buns are positioned in the same position along the scalp or if hair clips, pins, or similar are used to secure the man bun tightly.

Any hair elastics with metal connectors or traditional rubber bands may also cause hair breakage, splitting, ripping, and tearing over a long period.

Why are people so aggressive to the idea of men having long hair? For instance, the “man-bun”?

People can be closed-minded when it comes to people’s hair. Some people are more conservative and traditional in thinking that long hair on a guy looks terrible or weird, and they give you this rude attitude of “You need a haircut! Change it back to short!”. 

They tend not to have a diverse or broad range of acceptance of styles, and anything that deviates from the stereotypical norms that society sets will automatically not look good. 

It’s weird because guys with long hair have always been familiar to me. Look at Dave Grohl or Kurt Cobain. It’s no different than people liking bland food, and anything that branches out from it is yucky!!

Why is a half-up ponytail easy to wear as a hairstyle?

This is a go-to hairstyle when you are in a rush. It takes little time and is easy to create. You can achieve This effortless hair in one minute, especially when running late for school, college, or work.

Step one: Grab the upper part of the hair from the crown.

Step two: Take a rubber band and tie it into a high ponytail.

Step three: Pull out some hair from your ear for a natural look, and you are ready.

What Is Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a form of alopecia, or gradual hair loss, caused primarily by pulling force applied to the hair.

This hair loss condition commonly results from the sufferer frequently wearing their hair in a particularly tight ponytail, pigtails, or braids.

It’s also seen occasionally in long-haired people who use barrettes, hair clips, or pins to keep hair out of the face.

Traction alopecia is a hairline recession due to chronic traction or hair pulling characterized by a fringe along the marginal hairline.

Other causes include:

  • Hairstyle. Although the style above is one of the culprits, hairstyles such as dreadlocks and single (extension) braids can also have the same effect.
  • Men (and women) who’ve suffered from traction alopecia have found that hair loss occurs most at the hairline—primarily around the temples and the sides of their heads.
  • Headgear. Compressive safety helmets worn tightly and closely to the scalp cause traction alopecia.
  • The lining of tightly fitted safety helmets, like those worn for activities such as motorcycling, cycling, skiing, and snowboarding, is responsible for the constant rubbing and tugging of localized areas of the hair and scalp.
  • Frequent wearers or those who use such helmets for prolonged periods seem more likely to suffer traction alopecia.
  • Chemicals. A condition known as CA (central cicatricial centrifugal alopecia), seen almost exclusively in African American women, can cause extensive hair loss.
  • It is caused by a combination of too much stress (traction) on the hair and the use of harsh relaxers and dyes.


I neither sell nor promote any companies or their products nor have any online shopping outlet to encourage. What I write is based on my own experience and belief in the techniques I share.

What is the difference between a man bun and a woman bun?