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Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?

Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?

Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?

If you always expect the man to make the first move to make a conversation, maybe this man got tired; he expects you to text him occasionally and see some progress in the relationship. It’s wrong for women to expect the man always to make the first move, and frankly, in the start, it’s okay. 

Still, after some time, it gets humiliating to be always the one who initiates a conversation because, in a relationship, both are equally important. You should understand that. Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?

It is possible that he is no longer into you nor interested in the possibility of a relationship. Be patient. Don’t rush it. Love can’t be forced. If he likes you, he will take the initiative to call /text you for a date. If not, you still happily move on with your life because he’s not the one for you yet. The next love for you may be just around the corner, dear! Keep loving yourself, and your love will come!

Why do some people suddenly stop talking to you even though you were close?

There could be numerous reasons why someone might stop texting or communicating suddenly, and it’s important to note that the specific reasons can vary depending on the individual and the circumstances. Here are some common possibilities:

  1. Change in Feelings: People’s emotions can be complex, and someone’s feelings might change over time. It’s possible that the person initially felt a connection but later experienced a shift in their emotions.
  2. Personal Issues: The person might be dealing with personal issues, stress, or other challenges that are affecting their ability to engage in communication.
  3. Fear or Uncertainty: Some individuals might fear commitment or become uncertain about pursuing a relationship. This fear or uncertainty could lead them to withdraw.
  4. External Factors: Life events, work pressures, or family issues could be taking up their time and energy, causing them to withdraw temporarily.
  5. Communication Style: People have different communication styles. Some individuals may not feel comfortable expressing themselves directly and may opt for distancing themselves instead.
  6. Miscommunication or Misunderstanding: There might be a miscommunication or misunderstanding between the two of you that led to a pause in communication.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you could reach out to the person and express your feelings or inquire about the change in communication. However, it’s essential to be prepared for the possibility that they may not provide a clear or satisfying answer. Keep in mind that everyone has their own reasons, and it’s crucial to respect their choices, even if they are disappointing.

Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?

  1. You don’t spend physical time with him, that’s the main reason.
  2. He wants to gauge your interest.
  3. He knows once some girls know you like them, they relax and know you are going nowhere, so whether they text or not, you like them.
  4. You don’t give him attention. You only drain all his attention and wait for more.
  5. He is the only one who is pursuing. I am trying to remember you showing back the effort he is giving.
  6. He only asks about you, and I don’t remember you reciprocating.
  7. He feels you want only his attention, not his and his life.
  8. You text like a person who isn’t interested.
  9. He is tired of waiting for you to say I like you back. You left him hanging or have never said or shown signs of saying it.
  10. He is tired of approaching you; can’t you approach and show you like him back?

Why did a guy stop texting me when we used to text a lot? He stops answering me suddenly, so should I text him again?

I’m in the same situation right now, trying to find an answer to something I already know; after texting for a couple of days and getting phone calls from him, he asked me for a picture of me ( of how I look like) one night. I sent him a picture with no makeup, mind you, after two weeks of working straight and lack of sleep ( but that’s the real me), and after that picture, he never contacted me. 

Friends, I am not ugly or bad-looking; I am very comfortable with my skin and feel good about myself. I haven’t texted him or called him either. We were supposed to meet each other tonight. It’s been two days since the picture, and I am still waiting to hear from him. I can see he is going on his phone (timestamps are not your friends, lol).

Let me tell you something: even when I felt very attracted to him. Not talking to me after I sent him a picture is immature in the first place; second, It shows me his intentions were not serious, and he is just going for the looks to get to know someone. So.. You know what? Is his loss … Cuz I’m worth it, and So are you, and he is just a loser.

It is open to multiple interpretations. Some of them:

  • He has an avoidant attachment style. He’s been hurt in the past, so he’s fearful that you turn him down, too.
  • He’s lost interest in you forever.
  • He likes you but needs help to gauge your level of interest. And so taking his time to make the next move.
  • He’s playing hard to get to gain your attention back. It’s a typical PU game move.
  • He’s interested in you romantically while you want to remain friends, which isn’t acceptable to him. So he’s silently walking away from you.
  • He’s discovered something about you that is irking him.
  • He’s got some family trouble, keeping him occupied for a while.
  • Or simply, he’s crossed paths with some other girl. And giving more attention to her and keeping you on hold.

See, there are endless possibilities. But the solution is to call/text him and be blunt about your intentions and emotions. Ask him in detail what’s causing such a behavior change. You’ll get a response. If not, accept that you’re being ghosted. Whenever you’re ghosted, move on!

Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me

Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?

Why did a guy stop texting me when we used to text a lot? He stops answering me suddenly, so should I text him again?

I’m in the same situation right now, trying to find an answer to something I already know. After texting for a couple of days and phone calls from him, he asked me for a picture of me ( of how I look). I sent him an image with no makeup, mind you, after two weeks of working straight and lack of sleep ( but that’s the real me), and after that picture, he never contacted me.

I’m not ugly or bad-looking; I’m comfortable and feel good about myself. I haven’t texted him or called him either. We were supposed to meet each other tonight. It’s been two days since the picture, and I am still waiting to hear from him. I can see he is going on his phone (timestamps are not your friends, lol). Let me tell you something: even when I felt very attracted to him.

Not talking to me after I sent him a picture is immature in the first place; second, It shows me his intentions were not serious, and he is just going for the looks to get to know someone. So.. You know what? Is his loss? Because I’m worth it, so do you, and he is just a loser.

Why is he not texting me if he likes me?

Question: Why Isn’t He Texting Me: 21 Reasons And What To Do About It

He might be playing it cool, especially if your relationship is in the initial stages. He may not want to show his feelings immediately, so he won’t directly text you. It doesn’t mean he is uninterested; he wants to know how you feel about him.

Why would a guy suddenly stop texting you?

He may be taking time to figure out his emotions and get a sense of where this connection is going. Two, he may need to be more intimidated by the growing intimacy and may dial back on the texting to get some space. Third, he may not be interested in you, and this is a way of conveying that.

Can a guy like you and still not text you?

The guy may not be texting you every chance he gets free, but he may text you at least once in the day if he likes you. Just remember he has a life, a job, or maybe school and can’t always text as often as you may be able to with your life. Just because he doesn’t respond immediately doesn’t mean he loses interest.

Do guys stop texting when they catch feelings?

He’s starting to develop feelings for you and can’t determine the next step. And that’s why he stops texting you now and then to grasp his feelings about you better.

How do you know if a guy ignores you because he likes you?

He ignores you only in person. And while he might take recourse to it for whatever probable reason, he would not stick to doing it altogether if he likes you as well. So, if he is ignoring you only in person, over text, or on social media specifically, be assured that he has his reasons for it.

Why does a guy seem interested and then not?

Consider reasons his interest may have waned: maybe he’s shy, playing head games, or perhaps he’s just realized you’re incompatible! Decide whether it’s worth it to pursue him anyway. He might need time—or he might just not be worth the trouble. Ask him directly what’s going on.

Why do guys go quiet when they like you?

One of the apparent reasons a guy may ignore or act disinterested in you is because he feels you are too good for him. He lacks the confidence to approach you or is evasive about his feelings for you, fearing you might reject him. And he feels that sharing his true feelings might ruin your friendship with him.

He is texting other women.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a fateful encounter with their one true love on their first try or to meet their true love without having to work hard for it. For the rest of us common folk, we must work hard to find it.

And it’s just an unfortunate reality that people would always try to reach out to more than one potential partner. And in the modern era, it’s easier than ever to flirt with more than one person and get away with it, thanks to texts and internet messaging.

Chances are that you’re just one of potentially dozens of people he’s checking out. But on the bright side, his frequent returning to you means that you probably are high on his list of “candidates,” so to speak.

He’s probably not going to tell you about what he’s doing, but eventually, he’ll come to a decision and either choose you or discard you. So that’s why you should try to get ahead with the competition by triggering his hero instinct and making him care.

He’s probably dating his girlfriend.

Your jaw probably hit the floor reading that heading. And it could be worse. He may be busy being with his wife! Unfortunately, it’s a genuine possibility that to him, you’re just a little side thing to keep him entertained or fulfilled when he feels like his partner isn’t fulfilling his needs. And the reason why he’d stop texting is because he doesn’t want her to get suspicious.

And when he feels like the coast is clear, he’ll get back to texting with you as if he had been doing nothing wrong. He might justify his actions by thinking that texting is not cheating. But guys and girls alike should know— yes, it is. There is such a thing as emotional cheating, and you don’t have to degrade yourself or that other girl by playing along.

If you have suspicions and find out you’re being strung along like this, end it immediately with him before you get into deeper trouble.

Chances are that he does feel something towards you, but he isn’t exactly sure about it as of yet. It could be that he’s just starting to develop feelings for you and can’t quite figure out the next step. And that’s why he stops texting you every now and then to get a better grasp at how he actually feels about you.


It can be exceedingly hurtful and confusing when a guy suddenly stops texting you or goes incommunicado without any explanation.

The reasons behind this behaviour can range from being genuinely preoccupied to playing mind games, finding the connection too intense, or just being bad at texting.

While it can be challenging, try not to dwell over why he stopped talking to you or blame yourself for it; instead, focus on self-care and work toward moving on.

If he gets back in touch after a spell of unexplained silence, do not give in easily. Make sure he realizes the impact of his actions on you and is apologetic before you even consider giving him a second chance.

Dating is all about testing the waters. There are going to be challenges and miscommunications. There will be things you don’t understand about your man. It is best to talk it out with your partner. Most importantly, it is imperative to implement boundaries. Talk to your partner about what is acceptable and what is a deal-breaker. This one conversation will go a long way for your relationships.

Why did a man who said he liked me suddenly stop texting me?