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My boyfriend wants to perform an Alabama hot pocket on me and says he won’t take no for an answer, should I just let him do it?

Alabama hot pocket

My boyfriend wants to perform an Alabama hot pocket on me and says he won’t take no for an answer, should I just let him do it?

Have some respect for yourself! Anyone who would agree to this is as crazy as your boyfriend. That is sick. Unhygienic, and you need to set your sights higher on a boyfriend. Even asking such a question is enough to dump him. I had to look that up to.

Anyone who says he won’t take no for an answer is abusive, and you should get the hell away from him. What he suggests could cause you to become septic and die if ANY of that gets into your bloodstream (such as through a small tear due to vigorous sex). He would most likely end up with a nasty UTI (and he’d deserve it).

He isn’t a nice guy. He doesn’t respect your feelings or body. That someone wants to perform such a thing is a big red flag.

Alabama hot pocket

When the guy shits in a girl’s vagina during intercourse

Girl 1 “She smells like shit!”

Girl 2 “Brian gave her an Alabama hot pocket.”

Girl 1 “Ohhhh”

The Alabama Hot Pocket is a special fetish manoeuvre that roughly involves taking a shit into a woman’s vagina, typically followed up by a good ole fuckin’. The term “Alabama” originated from a lesser-known but crucial additional practice that involves “Porky Piggin'”, the female who has received the Hot Pocket. In Alabama, you see, good old redneck boys, when bored, would fuck pig troughs or large, wet piles of mud.

To properly perform the Porky Piggin’ follow-up procedure, one must take a massive shit onto the vagina WITHOUT spreading the lips. It creates a core that enters the woman and then dregs that explode all over her. By randomly stabbing with the cock, one will successfully Porky Piggin’ the girl… repeating, naturally, the action that would normally be associated with screwing a pile of mud or animal trough.

Yeah, boy, I gave her a good ole Alabama Hot Pocket. What? No shit, I Porky Piggin’d that shit.

I had to look up what an Alabama hot pocket is. It’s when a male partner takes a bowel movement inside a woman’s vagina, then proceeds to stick his penis inside said vagina to have intercourse. It sounds completely unhygienic and most likely can cause an infection inside the woman. An infection is never good, whether a yeast infection, urinary tract infection, or whatever.

What bothers me about this question is not the fact that I find it disgusting but the lack of respect your partner shows you. You have clearly said no, you don’t want to. Instead of respecting your wishes, he is bugging you to the point that you ask strangers online what you should do.

You have already voiced your concern and opinion on the subject. You said no. That should be the end of the discussion. He should respect your decision on the subject. You should not feel beaten down and submit to something you don’t want just because he is not respecting your no.

Explain your discomfort with this act. Explain the possibility of infection. Ask why? he is not respecting your stance on the subject. Ask yourself why you want a partner who’s not respecting your no.

Relationships are about two loving individuals who love and respect one another. Who can discuss all topics, and whose voices are heard? Based on this question, It does not sound like you have a healthy, loving relationship. Why would you want to be in a disrespectful relationship? Respect yourself enough to stand by your no and decide if this is a relationship worth continuing.

You deserve to have your voice heard and respected. Don’t settle for less than that. Love yourself first and foremost. Don’t disrespect yourself for someone who doesn’t value your feelings.

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My boyfriend wants to perform an Alabama hot pocket on me and says he won’t take no for an answer, should I just let him do it?

If you know what this is, you would be insane even to consider it. He is into degradation and humiliation, and you can be left permanently infertile due to a horrendous infection. It could even kill you. Find someone else who will treat you with respect, and don’t give this guy another minute of your life.

If you consider having him crap in your vagina and then have intercourse after that, you are out of your mind. That opens you up to a ton of infection. I would tell him to Piss up a rope and find someone else to fulfil his sick fantasy. Cut ties with this schmuck!

I don’t know what that is, but it sounds nasty, and the fact that he won’t take no for an answer tells me that you don’t want to do it. Don’t date anyone that forces you to do anything nasty or something you are not interested in. If you do it once, he will come to you to do it very often. It is never just a one-time thing with a boyfriend!

Honey, He’s not your boyfriend. He’s an abusive jerk who only wants to use you for his perverted sexual fantasies. Run, do not walk away from him immediately. Go full NC on him. Tell your friends what they want to do. Tell your guy friends what they want to do. Ruin his reputation, so he never gets another date with a decent woman again. I’m not usually this vindictive, but the fact that he threatened to rape you to accomplish this perversity makes him a candidate for the sex registry.

Not. Kick him to the curb!

Did he miss the whole “me too” years? You control your body regarding what you want to do with it.
Additionally, you open yourself up to all kinds of pH issues and other problems. Do you know that poo is all bad bacteria? It’s the body’s trash after processing food. Why would you want to put that in one of the most sensitive parts of your body?

It is your choice. But I highly recommend AGAINST it.


What is wrong with you that you even think about this and still call him your boyfriend? It is sick and disgusting he does not give a shit about you(pun intended). Ask yourself why you ended up in a sick relationship like this and why you are considering allowing it. Get help because you are considered to be humiliated and ill-treated this way. You do know after he did it, he will leave you and tell all of his friends what he did to you. Wow never heard about this sick practice and cannot comprehend that people do this. 🤮🤮🤮

Turn the question around and ask him how he would like you to take a dump in his mouth. Your “boy” friend is exactly that, a boy. Why does he want to disrespect you as a beautiful and caring individual woman slays me? What a turd. Tell him not no, but HELL NO! He’s a disgusting pig. Respect yourself and kick him to the curb.

My boyfriend wants to perform an Alabama hot pocket on me and says he won’t take no for an answer, should I just let him do it?

It’s important to prioritize your own comfort, boundaries, and well-being in any relationship. If your boyfriend is expressing a desire to engage in a sexual activity that you are not comfortable with, and he is saying he won’t take no for an answer, this raises significant concerns about consent and respect.

Consent is a crucial aspect of any healthy and respectful relationship. Both partners should feel free to communicate their boundaries and have those boundaries respected. If you are not comfortable with a particular sexual activity, it is your right to say no, and your partner should respect that decision.

If your boyfriend is expressing a lack of willingness to accept your boundaries and consent, it may be a red flag. It’s important to have open and honest communication about your feelings, expectations, and boundaries. If your boyfriend is unwilling to respect your boundaries or pressures you into something you are uncomfortable with, it could be indicative of an unhealthy dynamic.

Consider having a serious and calm conversation with your boyfriend about your feelings and boundaries. If he continues to disregard your wishes or pressures you, it may be worth reevaluating the relationship and seeking support from friends, family, or professionals.

Remember that you have the right to prioritize your own well-being and to be in a relationship where your boundaries are respected. If you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable, it’s crucial to seek help and support.

My boyfriend wants to perform an Alabama hot pocket on me and says he won’t take no for an answer, should I just let him do it