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Shadow on Computer or Laptop Screen

Shadow on Computer or Laptop Screen

Shadow on Computer or Laptop Screen

One way to avoid shadows in your photos is to manipulate the light to your advantage. You can do this by using a flash or shooting in low-light conditions. If you are using a flash, position it so that it is bouncing off of a wall or ceiling.

Choose the Advanced tab at the top, then click the Settings button under the Performance section. In the Visual Effects tab, uncheck the “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop” option and click OK. It would help if you rebooted your computer for the changes to take effect.

While the image of a ghost can evoke something unsettling, the ghost image on your monitor is not spooky. So no, you don’t need the Ghostbusters on speed dial. It is a common monitor problem. To find out how to fix monitor ghosting, we’ll start by understanding why those otherworldly images remain on your screen, along with several possible solutions.

The backlight is responsible for illuminating the screen; if it’s not working properly, the top half of the screen may be darker than the bottom. Various factors, including a faulty backlight, a loose connection, or a power issue, can cause this. If you’re experiencing a shadow on your computer or laptop screen, it could be due to various factors.

Here are some common reasons for shadows on the screen and potential solutions:

  1. Screen Glare:
    • Cause: External light sources, such as sunlight or room lighting, can create glare on the screen.
    • Solution: Adjust the position of your laptop or computer to reduce direct exposure to light sources. You can also use anti-glare screen protectors or curtains to minimize glare.
  2. Screen Reflections:
    • Cause: Reflective surfaces, such as glass or glossy surfaces, can cause reflections on the screen.
    • Solution: Position the laptop or computer away from reflective surfaces. You can also consider using matte screen protectors to reduce reflections.
  3. Cable Interference:
    • Cause: Poorly shielded cables or interference from nearby electronic devices can cause image distortions.
    • Solution: Ensure that cables are properly connected and shielded. Move electronic devices away from the screen to minimize interference.
  4. Monitor Issues:
    • Cause: Problems with the monitor or screen itself, such as a malfunctioning backlight or defective pixels.
    • Solution: If the monitor is under warranty, consider contacting the manufacturer for support. If not, consulting a professional technician may be necessary.
  5. Graphics Card Issues:
    • Cause: Problems with the graphics card or drivers can result in display issues.
    • Solution: Update your graphics card drivers to the latest version. If the problem persists, you may need to troubleshoot or replace the graphics card.
  6. Hardware Connection Issues:
    • Cause: Loose or faulty cable connections between the computer and the monitor.
    • Solution: Check that all cables (power, HDMI, DisplayPort, etc.) are securely connected. Try using different cables to see if the issue persists.
  7. Screen Calibration:
    • Cause: Incorrect screen calibration settings may lead to unusual colors or shadows.
    • Solution: Adjust the display settings on your computer to ensure proper color calibration. You can usually find display settings in your operating system’s control panel or settings menu.

If you’ve tried these solutions and the issue persists, it may be beneficial to consult with technical support or a professional technician to diagnose and address the specific problem with your computer or laptop screen.

Why is my computer screen dim in the bottom right corner? What do I do?

The backlight may have failed in that area. Many recent computer monitors use white LED backlights, with the LEDs located along the edges of the screen (maybe just the bottom, maybe top and bottom). If a single LED failed shorted, the screen would be darker in the area illuminated by the failed LED.

If it’s minor, I would suggest ignoring it unless you use the monitor for something that depends on a critical examination of images (e.g. photo editing). If it’s major, you may have to replace the monitor.

What is monitor ghosting?

Monitor ghosting occurs when an image artifact appears as a trail of pixels behind a moving object, almost like motion blur. It is called ghosting because it creates an image trail that looks like a ghost.

Check connected devices and cables: While you can usually resolve ghosting issues through your monitor settings, another possible explanation is a faulty cable or other devices connected to your computer. When checking an HDMI, DisplayPort™, or USB-C cable, ensure it isn’t frayed or damaged.

Unlike similar effects, such as image retention or monitor burn-in, monitor ghosting does not cause permanent effects on your monitor. However, it is still annoying, especially when playing high graphics or online shooting games. And whether you have an LED or an LCD, ghosting can affect you.

There are numerous reasons why monitor ghosting occurs, including a faulty monitor cable, unoptimized monitor settings, and even other devices interfering with the monitor’s connection to the PC.

Why is my laptop screen half black? How can I fix it?

All of these problems are correct. I work for Dell as a field technician. It’s already been said, but I’ll repeat it for emphasis:

First, hook up an external monitor. If the display is good, then the graphics chip is fine, and that’s probably good news because, on most (not all) laptops, you’d have to replace the motherboard, which will not be cheap. 

If a motherboard needs replacing, expect to spend $100 plus labour unless the laptop is an extremely common model (such as the Dell Latitude D500 series, which many schools purchased).

However, something that has not been said is that it doesn’t necessarily mean the motherboard is good. A ribbon cable connects the LCD to a connector on the motherboard. The connector itself can fail. I’ve seen it happen once in 15 years of working for Dell. Though if it fails, usually nothing displays at all.

If everything shows up on the external monitor, the most likely culprit is that either the LCD has cracked or the ribbon cable has failed. A specialist might have a replacement LCD on hand, or at least one that he can use temporarily to determine if the cable is bad.

What causes monitor ghosting?

Monitor ghosting is caused by a monitor’s slow response time relative to what’s happening on the screen. Of all types of LCD monitors, a phantom monitor is most likely to be a VA panel because they have slower response times compared to TN or IPS panel types.

However, this does not mean that all VA monitor panels will cause ghosting on the monitor. The monitor panel does not necessarily cause the ghost monitor.

What are these vertical lines on my laptop screen? Will they spread and cause problems?

If you are getting vertical lines on your laptop, it could be a big problem. I assume your laptop has overheated, and you use a cooling pad. Let me explain what has happened and determine what needs to be done.

First, when you open a laptop, you will find that the video chip on almost every laptop, except those with a dedicated/discrete video card, has the CPU and the video chip on the same heat pipe.

The phase-change material they use to cool the video card never breaks down. However, the thermal compound between the CPU and the heatsink does, as well as the fan starts making noise. The 2 drops of machine oil they use only last around 3 years, and then it makes revving noises.

When this happens, and the arctic silver they use dries up, the CPU’s heat doesn’t dissipate properly. The heat from the video card has nowhere to travel because there is too much heat on the heatsink. It stays on the video chip and eventually causes problems like lines and white dots on the screen.

How to determine if you have a problem, the fix is first to hook up the laptop externally to another monitor/television. If you still get lines and are okay opening the laptop, use isopropyl alcohol at 70% and Q-tips to clean the dried-up thermal compound. Then, take apart the CPU fan and use regular white lithium grease and a fine paper clip and push the grease up and down; spin the fan with your fingers and put it in it. If you get a suction of the fan to the base, use compressed air, blow into the blades, and put it to your ear. If you hear no noise, reassemble it.

Put the laptop back together. If you get lines when you still hook it up externally, the video card is failing, and you will need another laptop. If you get no lines, you will have to replace the display on the laptop.

I suggest getting a laptop with a dedicated/discrete video card. This way, if there is a problem down the road and your video fails, you must order a new video card. With integrated video, you must dispose and recycle the laptop as changing it requires a very high skill with soldering, a magnifying glass, and precision. Very few people have that skill because machines solder it.

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Monitor ghosting is most prevalent, and perhaps nastiest, in games. Whether traversing the sci-fi landscape of Cyberpunk 2077 or taking out enemies in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, monitor ghosting can cause distortions that will mar your gaming experience.

In games, monitor ghosting can cause eyestrain and ruin gameplay by making images appear on each other.

Most of the time, if you notice blurry trails of pixels in your game world but don’t notice these effects once you turn off the game, monitor ghosting is the cause.

It is most likely to occur when playing action games, sports games, and first-person shooters because monitor ghosting occurs when multiple fast-moving objects are on the screen.

What could cause a laptop to have lines on the screen and suddenly turn all black/white?

Sounds like a hardware issue. The display connector/cable, specifically. It could be loose, internally cracked, or have a bent couple of pins. If not the cable or connector, one of the chips on the board might be corroded. Without opening the device, there’s no way to tell. You might like to remove the battery until it’s fixed to be safe.

Depending on the laptop brand, you can easily find a repair shop or repair guide. If it’s an Apple product, have fun. (Cough cough, Apple is so anti-repair, it’s a disgusting cough.)

There’s a company called iFixit that posts hundreds (if not thousands) of repair and teardown guides if you’re confident enough and have the equipment (often no more than a screwdriver). Pay close attention to serial numbers and specifications. Even a single year can make a huge difference between laptop versions.

If you’d rather not try to fix it yourself, search online for nearby, reputable repair shops. It’ll cost more than a personal repair would, but they often have a better idea of what they’re doing. Mall-based shops (those in the middle aisle) are notoriously iffy, so try someplace more dedicated.

Suppose repair is not an option at all; back up your files. Start saving up for a new computer.

Why did my laptop screen turn red?

Red screens can happen for 3 main reasons:

  1. Overheating of the colour investors in the screen. Let it cool, and use it again.
  2. Colour investors are damaged by magnetic fields or pressure. If you keep heavy items on your laptop’s monitor or have extra speakers attached (other than the built-in ones), your colour balance can scale off to red or green.
  3. Disconnections – Check for physical damage if you can see the screen properly but with a heavy red tint. If your laptop has been hit or dropped, turning your screen red, there are good chances a connector and the RGB colour controllers came off. Dismantle your laptop and check all connections.

How do I fix shadows on my computer screen?

The improper shielding of the cables can cause a shadowing or ghosting effect also. We recommend to check the video cable and, if possible, use HDMI Premium certificate cable for long distance connection. And try direct connection without docking station and another device as cross check.

Remove any devices connected to the same wall outlet or electrical circuit as the monitor. Turn off any fluorescent lighting in the vicinity of the computer. NOTE: Electrical devices and florescent lighting produce an invisible field of electromagnetism that cause an effect called Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).

External Light Source: Check for external light sources, such as windows or lamps, that might be causing the shadow on your computer screen. Adjust the angle of your laptop or change your seating position to see if the shadow disappears.

How to fix a ghost monitor?

Learning how to fix monitor ghosting is easy once you know your options. Unlike image retention or monitor burn-in, this isn’t a physical problem, so you’ll unlikely need to send your monitor in for a repair.

To get started, you’ll want to test your monitor to ensure monitor ghosting is the problem. Once you have identified the problem, follow the steps below to fix ghosting on your monitor and play games without frame rate issues.


The first step in fixing any problem is diagnosing the problem. Fortunately, performing a ghosting test is easy. Go to Blur Busters UFO Motion Test and run the monitor ghosting test within your browser.

If you have no problems, you will see the green “Ready” signal. However, if you’re experiencing ghosting on your monitor, you’ll see an orange flag with suggestions on what to fix.

The tool will also explain any issues related to your screen’s frames per second, refresh rate, pixels per frame, and pixels per second.


Your first step in trying to fix monitor ghosting is to turn on your device’s overdrive feature. This feature has a different name for each manufacturer, but for most brands of monitors, it’s known as the overdrive feature. To access it, follow these steps:

  1. Access your monitor’s on-screen display menu.
  2. Once in the menu, activate the overdrive function.
  3. Enabling this feature lets you change the overdrive level according to your monitor’s refresh rate.
  4. You can get optimal performance at your preferred settings and eliminate or reduce monitor ghosting.
  5. Gaming monitors with AMD FreeSync or NVIDIA® G-SYNC technology often have the overdrive feature turned on automatically, although you can manually adjust it if needed.


Another easy way to fix monitor ghosting? Adjust your monitor settings. Since monitor ghosting is not necessarily a physical problem with your device, changing these settings may do the trick.

In particular, look at Perfect Clear, Dynamic Contrast, Motion Smoothing, and Noise Reduction settings. These settings, particularly when viewing media with darker sections, can contribute to monitor ghosting. Experiment with turning them on and off one at a time to see if they reduce ghosting.


While you can usually resolve ghosting issues through your monitor settings, another possible explanation is a faulty cable or other devices connected to your computer. When checking an HDMI, DisplayPort™, or USB-C cable, ensure it isn’t frayed or damaged.

Begin by manually inspecting the cable, running your fingers along the length of the cable for any areas that may be frayed.

It can cause overheating, which can reduce your monitor’s refresh rate. You can also test the cables with a replacement cable to see if this reduces the problem.

You’ll also want to ensure the ghosting isn’t caused by devices connected to your PC. It can even happen with wireless technology, including printers, speakers, or your modem.

Sometimes it’s a simple proximity issue, which means moving those devices away from your monitor, which can stabilize the refresh rate and reduce or eliminate ghosting.


If you game regularly, you know the importance of keeping your graphics card drivers current. If you don’t regularly update those drivers, a bug or compatibility issue may be likely at the root of your ghosting problem.

Updating your graphics card drivers will also improve performance, and doing so at regular intervals can help you avoid other monitor issues.


If the culprit isn’t your monitor settings, a connected device, a faulty cable, or an outdated graphics card driver, the cause of the ghost image is likely physical. In this case, your monitor’s video port is the first place to check.

If you have exhausted all other options and have determined a problem with the monitor’s video port, you may not be able to fix this problem yourself.

If your monitor is under warranty, consider sending it to a service centre or consulting a professional. If not, you could take it to a computer repair store and hope they can replace the faulty parts.

You may want to invest in a new device if the monitor is beyond repair or too expensive to repair. If you prefer a display with all the connectivity options you need and amazing resolution, the HP U28 4K HDR Monitor is a great choice. And for those needing a new gaming monitor, the HP OMEN 25 Gaming Monitor fits the bill with a fast 165Hz refresh rate.

The LCD monitor has shadows, lines, ghostly, blurry, fuzzy, hazy, tinted, or faded images or colours.

Note: Because each step can be a possible resolution for display issues, check the display function after completing each step.

  1. Ensure the monitor cables are correctly connected.
  2. Remove any monitor extension cables.
  3. If the monitor accepts more than one input source, press the INPUT button on the monitor to cycle through input modes.
  4. If using the AC adapter, disconnect the AC adapter from any power strip or surge protector and connect it directly to a wall outlet.
  5. NOTE: If this eliminates the display issues, then the problem lies with the power strip or surge protector. Contact the manufacturer of the power strip or surge protector device for further assistance.
  6. Remove any magnetic devices, electrical devices, speakers, lamps or fans from the vicinity of the computer.
  7. Remove any devices connected to the same wall outlet or electrical circuit as the monitor.
  8. Turn off any fluorescent lighting in the vicinity of the computer.
  9. NOTE: Electrical devices and florescent lighting produce an invisible field of electromagnetism that cause an effect called Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). The display elements in both Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors use precisely calibrated components that EMI can adversely affect. Moving such devices away from the monitor will minimize the effects of EMI.
  10. If the issue is that the fonts and text are distorted or blocky, it may be necessary to adjust the pitch and phase settings of the monitor.
  11. Reset the LCD to the factory default settings.
  12. Perform a self-test.
  13. Wiggle the cable where it connects to the LCD panel.
  14. NOTES:
  • The LCD has two possible connection methods: the HD-15 cable or the DVI-D cable.
  • Ensure the input selected corresponds to the input port being used.
  • If wiggling the cable causes the problem to go away and then come back, the cable may be damaged or have an electrical short, or the connector on the LCD is faulty.
  1. If a video pass-through card is being used, bypass the video pass-through connection and connect the monitor directly to the video card.
  2. NOTE: If this eliminates the display issues, then the problem lies with the video pass-through device. Contact the manufacturer of the video pass-through device for further assistance.
  3. Move the computer and monitor to a different room.
  4. NOTE: If this eliminates the display issues, an EMI or AC voltage problem exists in the original room. A line conditioner may help but is not guaranteed to resolve voltage problems.
  5. Connect the monitor to a different computer.
  6. NOTE: If this eliminates the display issues, a software or video card problem exists on the original computer.
  7. Replace the monitor cable being used with either a different cable of the same type or a cable of another type (HD-15/DVI-D).

If the display problems persist after replacing the cable, the connector on the LCD is faulty, and service will be required to resolve the issue. Go to Product Repair. 

Why would a laptop have black shadow bands arising from the bottom of display (display, admin)?

There could be several reasons for this issue if you are experiencing a shadow on your computer or laptop screen. Here are some common causes and troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the problem:

  1. External Light Source: Check for external light sources, such as windows or lamps, that might be causing the shadow on your computer screen. Adjust the angle of your laptop or change your seating position to see if the shadow disappears.
  2. Screen Brightness and Contrast: Adjust your laptop’s brightness and contrast settings to see if it helps reduce or eliminate the shadow. Sometimes, incorrect settings can create visual issues.
  3. Screen Cleaning: A dirty or smudged screen can cause shadows or distortions. Clean your laptop screen using a soft, lint-free cloth and screen-cleaning solution designed for electronics.
  4. Display Driver Issues: Outdated or corrupted display drivers can cause display problems. Update your graphics/display drivers to the latest version from the laptop manufacturer’s website or through Windows/Mac update settings.
  5. External Devices: If external devices are connected to your laptop, such as a second monitor or a projector, disconnect them to see if the shadow persists. Sometimes, external devices can cause display issues.
  6. Physical Damage: If your laptop has suffered any physical damage, such as a cracked screen or impact, it could result in shadowing or other display anomalies. In this case, you might need to get the screen repaired or replaced.
  7. Hardware Issues: In some cases, the shadow might be caused by a hardware problem with the screen or the graphics card. If the issue persists after trying the above steps, you may need to contact a professional technician for further diagnosis and repair.
  8. It’s essential to isolate the cause of the shadow on your computer or laptop screen to determine the appropriate solution. If you are uncomfortable performing troubleshooting steps, consider seeking assistance from a computer technician or the laptop’s manufacturer support team.


It’s intentional – because the display is a sort of power guzzler, turning it off is a way to reduce energy consumption. The OS is the one that triggers this. Most OSs have a configuration setting that you can use to turn this behaviour off. The above applies to desktop computers, too. But, since they are always connected to an external power source, they don’t need to worry about power saving quite as much.

Monitor ghosting isn’t as scary as the name suggests, but it can still give you headaches. It is a particularly annoying problem for those who use their PCs for graphics-intensive work such as video editing, graphic design, or image editing and gamers who want to get the best possible performance from their PC.

Fortunately, the steps to fix monitor ghosting are much easier and less expensive than other issues like image retention and monitor burn-in. If your PC is experiencing monitor ghosting, the best thing to do is to test the issue to confirm your suspicions. If the monitor ghost image test confirms the problem, troubleshoot it with the steps above before sending it in for repair.

Since ghosting is often not a physical issue with your monitor, you can resolve this issue independently with a little detective work and a few simple fixes.

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Shadow on Computer or Laptop Screen

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