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What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

Though she introduced herself as “Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons” when she met with Khal Moro, seems like she missed some of her other titles.

The full title goes like this, “Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons”.

The following should be her full title. I’m not sure that every piece of information here is correct; I did consult A Wiki of Ice and Fire about these topics.

I’ll intermix the book lore, which is consistent and logical, with the series’ events, which progressed further but which produced loopholes in the lore, the story, and even the legal system.

See, a Westerosi noble’s title gives the bearer various functions, offices, roles, rights and responsibilities. So if everything in the books goes the same way as in the series (Or if the series followed the lore perfectly,) it would look something like this.

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It’s a bit like heraldry; it follows strict rules, but slight variations may occur based on interpretation. The legal system and traditions of Westeros are only sometimes clear. For example, both Daenerys’ and any of the Baratheon’s claims to the throne could be equally justified based on tradition and precedence.

Her entire title and claim rest on the illegitimacy of Robert’s claim, refusing its validation through the right of conquest, her hereditary right to the Iron Throne, and her further titles based on the right of conquest.

Her claim so far disregards any possible counter-claims by any other possible Targaryen heirs and is based on the information that she is the last Targaryen.

Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

According to her claim, she would be

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Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Lady of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

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With this long set of titles, she (legally) claims dominion over all of Westeros south of the Wall, a portion of Slaver’s Bay in Central Essos, a large swath of the plains of inland Essos, military command over all Westerosi forces, demands homage from the entire nobility of Westeros and sovereignty over the Realm. In order, these mean the following,

Queen Daenerys Stormborn

Her name and moniker “Stormborn,” referring to the circumstances of her birth during “the worst storm in living memory,” on Dragonstone, off the eastern coast of Westeros, the Targaryen ancestral home and last stronghold during the end of Robert’s Rebellion.

The title would have been Princess of Dragonstone while Viserys was alive and Daenerys was heir presumptive to the throne, de jure. After her, the legal heir presumptive would be either Stannis Baratheon or someone closely related to the Targaryen dynasty.

of the House Targaryen,

Pretty self-explanatory. Aside from the obvious, this also makes her a Westerosi noblelady by right.

the First of Her Name,

Also self-explanatory, there hasn’t been a monarch called Daenerys (or an actual ruling queen based on where you are standing on the events of The Dance of Dragons before her.) (Dance of Dragons, as in, the Targaryen civil war, between the forces of Rhaenya and Aegon II Targaryen)

Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men,

This is the actual royal title that gives her sovereignty over the Realm. This makes her the ruler of all the people of Westeros. There are three major ethnic groups on the continent:

The First Men, who predominantly inhabit the North; the Andals, who predominantly inhabit the South; and the Rhoynar, the migrant people from the Rhoyne who have fled to Dorne after their people’s defeat by Valyria and helped establish, along with their new Andal noble allies, the Principality of Dorne.

Lady of the Seven Kingdoms

This title gives her political power over the feudalistic and aristocratic politico-societal structure of the Seven Kingdoms.

All of these kingdoms (and lands)are in the present governed by Lord Paramount/Great House families, which form the collective high nobility of the Realm, with the exception of Dorne, which is a principality, still retaining some level of sovereignty or at least, autonomy.

These high lords or ladies have the loyalty of smaller noble houses of their respective lands that are their sworn vassals and their bannermen in times of war.

The Lord or Lady of the Seven Kingdoms is the highest-ranking noble in the Realm. She is the paramount liege lord or lady to whom all the other houses and the principality of Dorne are directly (or indirectly) sworn as vassals.

and Protector of the Realm,

This is the chief military commander title in the Seven Kingdoms, directly above every Warden and the Prince of Dorne. This title is routinely (Although not always) paired with the royal title, but it can be granted to others by the sovereign.

the Lady of Dragonstone,

The Targaryen custom usually grants the title Prince/Princess of Dragonstone to the heir of the sovereign. Although Daenerys was never officially named Princess of Dragonstone by Viserys, the Targaryen family is, legally, the only family which holds the rights to not one but three strongholds and their respective holdings:

King’s Landing and the Crownlands, ruled by the sovereign; the Castle of Dragonstone and the island of the same name, usually ruled by the heir; and Summerhall, the summer residence of the Targaryen family, usually ruled by a younger son or daughter – although it was destroyed and its legal status as a ruined castle is unclear. (Still, the ruined castle Harrenhall still grants lordship status and land rights to its owner).

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

At any rate, as the last living Targaryen, Daenerys inherits all three of these holdings. (Summerhall is somewhat forgotten, so I didn’t add it to the full title.) If she’s already a Queen, she’s not the Princess of Dragonstone, so in this regard, she retains the lordship status the holding grants.

the Queen of Meereen,

It’s pretty straightforward: she’s the sovereign ruler of the city-state Meereen through the right of conquest. Alternatively, she might even be called Queen of Dragon’s Bay.

Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,

This is more flexible and rudimentary, but Khal is the closest equivalent of the ruler in Dothraki tradition, and Khaleesi retains some of the same aspects as Princess/Queen. At any rate, de facto, she now has the loyalty of multiple khalassars, so at present, this title would make her something like a ruler of a unified Dothraki people.

The Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

These honours are de jure empty titles; they showcase her past achievements but bear no legal significance. They are honorifics similar to Brandon the Builder or Lann the Clever.

The following should be her full title. I’m still determining if everything here is correct; I consulted A Wiki of Ice and Fire about these topics.

I’ll intermix the book lore, which is consistent and logical, with the series’ events, which progressed further but produced loopholes in the lore, the story, and even the legal system. A Westerosi noble’s title gives the bearer various functions, offices, roles, rights and responsibilities. So if everything in the books goes the same way as in the series (Or if the series followed the lore perfectly,) it would look like this.

It’s a bit like heraldry; it follows strict rules, but slight variations may occur based on interpretation. The legal system and traditions of Westeros are only sometimes clear. For example, both Daenerys’ and any of the Baratheons’ claim to the throne could be equally justified based on tradition and precedence.

Her full title and claim rest on the illegitimacy of Robert’s claim, refusing its validation through the right of conquest, her hereditary right to the Iron Throne and her further titles based on the right of conquest. Her claim so far disregards any possible counter-claims by any other possible Targaryen heirs and is based on the information that she is the last Targaryen.

According to her claim, she would be

Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Lady of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

With this long set of titles, she (legally) claims dominion over all of Westeros south of the Wall, a portion of Slaver’s Bay in Central Essos, a large swath of the plains of inland Essos, military command over all Westerosi forces, demands homage from the entire nobility of Westeros and sovereignty over the Realm.

In order, these mean the following,

Queen Daenerys Stormborn

Her name and moniker “Stormborn,” referring to the circumstances of her birth during “the worst storm in living memory,” on Dragonstone, off the eastern coast of Westeros, the Targaryen ancestral home and last stronghold during the end of Robert’s Rebellion. 

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The title would have been Princess of Dragonstone while Viserys was alive and Daenerys was heir presumptive to the throne, de jure. After her, the legal heir presumptive would be either Stannis Baratheon or someone closely related to the Targaryen dynasty.

of the House Targaryen,

Pretty self-explanatory. Aside from the obvious, this makes her a Westerosi noble lady.

The First of Her Name,

Also self-explanatory, there hasn’t been a monarch called Daenerys (or an actual ruling queen based on where you are standing on the events of The Dance of Dragons before her.) (Dance of Dragons, as in, the Targaryen civil war, between the forces of Rhaenya and Aegon II Targaryen)

Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men,

It is the actual royal title that gives her sovereignty over the Realm. It makes her the ruler of all the people of Westeros. There are three major ethnic groups on the continent: The First Men, who predominantly inhabit the North; the Andals, who predominantly inhabit the South; and the Rhoynar, the migrant people from the Rhoyne who have fled to Dorne after their people’s defeat by Valyria and helped establish, along with their new Andal noble allies, the Principality of Dorne.

Lady of the Seven Kingdoms

This title gives her political power over the Seven Kingdoms’ feudalistic and aristocratic politico-societal structure. All these kingdoms (and lands)are governed by Lord Paramount/Great House families, which form the collective high nobility of the Realm, except for Dorne, a principality, still retaining some level of sovereignty or at least autonomy. 

These high lords or ladies have the loyalty of smaller noble houses of their respective lands that are their sworn vassals and their bannermen in times of war. The Lord or Lady of the Seven Kingdoms is the highest-ranking noble in the Realm. She is the paramount liege lord or lady to whom all the other houses and the principality of Dorne are directly (or indirectly) sworn as vassals.

and Protector of the Realm,

It is the top military commander title in the Seven Kingdoms, directly above every Warden and the Prince of Dorne. This title is routinely (Although not always) paired with the royal title, but it can be granted to others by the sovereign.

the Lady of Dragonstone,

The Targaryen custom usually grants the title Prince/Princess of Dragonstone to the sovereign’s heir. Although Daenerys was never officially named Princess of Dragonstone by Viserys, the Targaryen family is, legally, the only family which holds the rights to not one but three strongholds and their respective holdings:

King’s Landing and the Crownlands, ruled by the sovereign, the Castle of Dragonstone and the island of the same name, usually ruled by the heir, and Summerhall, the summer residence of the Targaryen family,

usually ruled by a younger son or daughter – although it was destroyed, and its legal status as a ruined castle is unclear. (Still, the ruined castle Harrenhall still grants lordship status and land rights to its owner.) At any rate, as the last living Targaryen, Daenerys inherits all three of these holdings. 

(Summerhall is somewhat forgotten, so I didn’t add it to the full title.) If she’s already a Queen, she’s not the Princess of Dragonstone, so in this regard, she retains the lordship status the holding grants.

the Queen of Meereen,

Straightforward, she’s the sovereign ruler of Meereen through the right of conquest. Alternatively, she might even be called Queen of Dragon’s Bay.

Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,

It is somewhat more flexible and rudimentary, but Khal is the closest equivalent of the ruler in Dothraki tradition, and Khaleesi does retain some of the same aspects as Princess/Queen. At any rate, de facto, she now has the loyalty of multiple khalassars, so at present, this title would make her something like a ruler of a unified Dothraki people.

The Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

These honours are de jure empty titles; they showcase her past achievements but bear no legal significance. They are honorifics similar to Brandon the Builder or Lann the Clever.

Depending on Daenerys’ perspective of her prophesized chosen one status that apparently the church of the Lord of Light recognizes at this point; she may, based on said canonization, start using the titles Lord’s Chosen or Princess Who Was Promised or something along these lines.

It would serve as a legitimization, but in Westeros, it would likely prove counter-productive. In the Seven Kingdoms, it would be best to be anointed by the High Septon if there were any.

Depending on the status of the North and the possible settling of Wildlings there during or after the Great War, the royal title might be updated to be Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, the First Men and the Free Folk. However, the Free Folk are ethnically First Men, so this might not be necessary.

If we count the ruined Summerhall as a separate legal holding, Daenerys is also the Lady of Summerhall. Please tell me if I missed or misinterpreted something.


Thanks, Kelly Russo, for pointing out that I forgot the honorific “the Unburnt,”

Philip Sutter for pointing out that she’s not, in fact, Princess of Dragonstone. My bad! I mixed up the royal heir Prince of Dragonstone title with the actual ruling Prince rank (still used in Dorne.) David Penrice pointed out that the Free Folk are, in fact, ethnically First Men, so including them separately in the royal title is illogical.

Though she introduced herself as “Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons” when she met with Khal Moro, seems like she missed some of her other titles.

The full title goes like this, “Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons”.

Damn that too long title/name to call, longer than mighty South Indian name “Prabhakarna SriPalaWardhana Atapattu JayaSuriya LaxmanSivramKrishna ShivaVenkata RajShekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli YekyaParampeel Parambatur ChinnaSwami MutuSwami VenuGopala Iyer”.

Why does Daenery Targaryen have such a long introduction?

“Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king.”

Edit: Here’s the line in the books. Note the line immediately following it, which the show cut: “And any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king at all. Aerys never understood that, but you will.” Makes you wonder if Dany’s not the first to insist on this sort of thing

Tywin was wrong about a lot, but he was right about at least some things, including this. And it applies to women as well.

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Mostly, I think Dany’s fruit salad of titles is a function of two things:

  • It reflects her idea of what “proper protocol” should be for rulers. It’s performative. It’s a theatre. She wants it to project a certain image — grandiosity, accomplishment and sheer volume.
  • On the flip side, it also speaks to her insecurities. Despite everything she has, a little bit of impostor syndrome is still going on. She’s desperate to be a “real queen” and uses the fruit salad as a shield, not knowing that doing so makes her look more insecure.

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

Tywin’s point, correct as it is, doesn’t need to speak to a lack of skill at ruling (although it certainly can) — it can equally speak to a mindset. And the mindset of someone who needs to have her status as a queen and her entire laundry list of sobriquets repeated ad nauseam says the opposite of what she thinks her titles convey: She’s trying too hard, and it’s obvious.

You see the juxtaposition between Jon and Dany when he arrives on Dragonstone — Missandei booms out of Dany’s titles. Jon looks back at Davos. Davos (with a cutaway to Dany’s smug smirk face) gives Jon an extremely simple title, and Jon is satisfied with it. And Jon, at this point, could easily rattle off his fruit salad: “This is Jon Snow of House Stark, the first of his name, the King in the North, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, the King Beyond the Wall, the Undead, the White Wolf, Slayer of a White Walker” and so on. 

Jon doesn’t defend himself when Dany uses his incorrect styling; Davos does it for him. So what are we to make of someone who insists on her full title being used for every supplicant she sees, vs. someone who has no formal style and doesn’t even bother correcting someone who titles him incorrectly? Dany’s smirk here is all the more infuriating because you know she’s at least partly thinking, “Really, that’s it? That’s all you have?” And she has no idea, but in her mind, “Long list of titles” is synonymous with “actual accomplishment.”

A couple of other things that jump out at me:

  • Something I’ve repeatedly pointed out about Dany is that when it comes to the ruling, she’s more interested in empty platitudes and jingoist rah-rah-ing than in actual administrative legwork. Think back to her time in Meereen, seeing supplicants individually. How much time was wasted during all the times Missandei rattled off the fruit salad? At best, Dany is subconsciously using her fruit salad to procrastinate doing actual legwork, inefficient as it already is, and at worst, she thinks having these supplicants hear her title is actual work and part of her rulership. Someone interested in administrative legwork will not waste stupid amounts of time rattling off titles that have no meaning to these supplicants.
  • It is more of a book thing, but one of Dany’s power phrases is, “If I look back, I am lost.” You know, no way but forward, keep moving, etc. Her laundry list of titles functions as a backward-looking CV. It is literally “looking back.” As long as she keeps using her fruit salad as a protocol crutch, she won’t grow as a leader. full title of Daenerys Targaryen

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

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Why is Daenerys Targaryen called ‘Stormborn’ when no other character recalls a storm, which wasn’t even common when she was born?

Originally Answered: Why is Daenerys Targaryen called ‘Stormborn’ when no other character recalls a storm, and storms weren’t even common when she was born? What was the actual ‘storm’ surrounding her birth?

I will say that Stormborn is probably Dany’s stupidest title (and I’m Daniel Sunborn, fear me!), seeing as it does not reflect anything relevant past her birth, but it’s not based on a false premise.

Yes, Dany is the only one who mentions a storm, but Viserys (who probably told Dany the story) is the only living person we know was there. Dany doesn’t remember her birth. Viserys probably just gave it as a dumb title, or he told the story to Dany, and she made it up for fun. There’s no reason to doubt that Dany was born in a storm.

There was a storm raging that destroyed the Targaryen fleet before Stannis even got there, meaning the fight wasn’t a naval battle. If the storm were a lie, we’d expect Stannis to recall a naval fight that disproves it, but he doesn’t. He mentions building a fleet, which is meaningless.

Ultimately, this title may be fucking stupid, but Dany did “earn” it. full title of Daenerys Targaryen

What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen?

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